Criticism of Islam

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teopsou.mynona's picture
Criticism of Islam

The criticism of religion(s) is probably as old as the religions themselves are. Religions, or the religious practitioners to be more specific, have their own way of responding to those criticisms/critics. Islam, in particular, has been extremely brutal to critic(ism)s of Islam, up until now.

People from Muslim-majority country, in particular, know how brutal Muslim fanatics can be to virtually ANY criticisms. This is not only prevalent among extremists, so-called moderate Muslims would also feel/express the same. They may not kill you in person, but would appreciate the killing of these critics/infidels. Muslims in a non-Muslim countries often do not express that way, but talk to their close friends, and you would find the shocking inside stories. Anyway, since criticizing Islam is potentially a life-threatening task, here is a wonderfully harmless edition of Criticism of Islam. Hopefully, Muslims will embrace their first ever criticism warmly!

The e-book is available here:

Teopsou Mynona

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dalkibiades's picture
Hi Teopsou. I think this kind
ThePragmatic's picture
The E-book is just a bunch of
teopsou.mynona's picture
Hi @The Pragmatic,
ThePragmatic's picture
Well, no not really.
Travis Hedglin's picture
Anonymous Poet, eh? Sounds
teopsou.mynona's picture
Thanks for your reply showing
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Thanks for your reply
teopsou.mynona's picture
Wao, you are so brilliant,
maberl's picture
I personally think that other
teopsou.mynona's picture
Makes sense though.Thanks for
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Hopefully, Muslims will
teopsou.mynona's picture
Good suggestions. I didn't

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