1. If evolution is wrong - being wrong will not validate the existence of your God. (It does not matter at all) The absence of an explanation for the diversity of life does not equal God.
2. While I am on evolution, please grasp the difference between the origins of life and evolution. They are not the same thing. You are confusing Abiogenisis, a study through a combination of molecular biology, paleontology, astrobiology, oceanography, biophysics, geochemistry and biochemistry, with the aim of determining how pre-life chemical reactions gave rise to life with evolution. EVOLUTION HAPPENS AFTER LIFE HAS FORMED.
3. You do not get to claim "creation." This is" begging the question." "A creation needs a creator." This is a completely fallacious assertion. Instead you might simply ask, "How did the universe get here or was it always here?"
4. Atheists do not need an alternative to magic and superstition. It is enough to simply not believe the claims of theists until those claims are supported with facts and evidence. Souls, Miracles, Prophecies, Prayer, Spirits, Blessings, mystical experiences and the rest mean absolutely nothing until facts and evidence for these things are presented. When facts and evidence are presented then they will not be mystical any longer. Wow! It's just so simple.
5. There are no valid arguments from the Sciences; Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Cosmology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth science, Archaeology, Anthropology, Mathmatics, Logic, Astronomy, Statistics, or any other science that asserts proof of the existence of a God. NONE!!! (You can all do yourself a favor and avoid looking completely stupid by not using examples from the sciences.)
6. There is no more valid historical data for your version of a god than there is for any other version of a god. Before you give us your knock down apologetic, ask yourself if the same attempt at justification could not be used for every other god on the planet. Pascal's wager, Kalam Cosmological, presuppositionalism, Teleological, Minimal facts, and the rest. THERE ARE NO NEW ARGUMENTS AND WE HAVE NOT ONLY HEARD THEM ALL BUT DEBUNKED THEM ALL.
7. We are not interested in your personal experiences. No one cares that you grandmother was cured of cancer. No one cares that you had an experience that you can not explain..."therefore God." It is not our job to explain your delusions. Explaining one delusion with a greater delusion is just a sign of being deluded.
8. Please do not tell us that life has to have a reason. Your reason is to worship your delusion and we are fine with that. Our reasons are vast and plentiful as atheists choose their own reasons for being here for the short time they will be here. If you want to spend your life on your knees believing in invisible beings, no one is stopping you.
9. Atheism is not a world view. Atheists do not share a world view. There is no atheist dogma of right or wrong and atheists in general do not profess to know all the secrets of the universe like the theists. If you want to find out an individual atheist's world view you will have to ask that person. The rest of us can not answer for him or her.
10. Don't quote from the bible when you don't even have any idea at all who wrote it. Your book means nothing to us. If you use it, we get to use it to, to remind you that your god is a complete fucking ass that runs about murdering people all throughout history.
I am sure I have forgotten a few things. Others may add to the list.
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