The definition of a god?

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Drewcgs11's picture
The definition of a god?

Can the concepts of a god be metaphorical?can a god be a force that is not in any physical form that may or may not be conscious, or a superhuman with natural magical powers, or and alien from another planet that is far more advanced than us on earth, could there be multiple gods? I ask this question because i dont know and want the input of others but i will say my opinion on a god is metaphorical and non traditional and just realized i might be possible that i might have some wired deism view on the force of the universe/god but at any rate i want to hear some opinions!

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algebe's picture
I'd define a god as a being
mykcob4's picture
Really? Now we are to
Drewcgs11's picture
So do you think a alien can
Deforres's picture
"a alien can be a god"
Drewcgs11's picture
See you twist my words i do
Drewcgs11's picture
My question is can the
chimp3's picture
God could be a Flying
Drewcgs11's picture
The concept of a god could be
Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrewcgs - "All i am saying
Deforres's picture
How did you determine that
Drewcgs11's picture
Andrewcgs - "All i am saying
Deforres's picture
Before I can answer that
Drewcgs11's picture
That is my point that the
chimp3's picture
You are asking contradictory
Deforres's picture
I'll try to be a bit gentler
Drewcgs11's picture
The concept of a god could be
Deforres's picture
Your still asking two
Deforres's picture
mykcob4's picture
Unbelievable! This guy
the_believer's picture
Since you asked so eloquently
Drewcgs11's picture
The concept of a god could be
Deforres's picture
No! Now get out of our hair!
Drewcgs11's picture
That is by the definition a
chimp3's picture
No. This is an example of a
ThePragmatic's picture
What does it even mean?
the_believer's picture
I do wonder that our host
CyberLN's picture
Andrew, you said, "at any
Drewcgs11's picture
So chimp 3 gave and example
Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrewcgs - "I dont think
ThePragmatic's picture
But, isn't hidden meaning the


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