The definition of a god?

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Drewcgs11's picture
This is what im talking about
Deforres's picture
"This is what im talking
Drewcgs11's picture
"a alien can be a god"
Deforres's picture
Your second comment was just
Drewcgs11's picture
At the least an attempt
ThePragmatic's picture
How about this, restate your
Drewcgs11's picture
I did not mean metaphysical i
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Andrewcgs
Drewcgs11's picture
Can the concepts of a god be
Nyarlathotep's picture
now that is spam
chimp3's picture
Andrewcgs : "can a god be a
Drewcgs11's picture
I do understand they are not
Deforres's picture
We know this! We know their
chimp3's picture
Andrewcgs: "I do understand
Drewcgs11's picture
I just explained it!
Deforres's picture
The only thing you (finally)
Drewcgs11's picture
I would consider you a fool
Deforres's picture
I haven't put you in a box
Deforres's picture
Maybe I should call myself a
Drewcgs11's picture
I am also a person who would
Deforres's picture
"the administration on this
Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrewcgs - "administration
Drewcgs11's picture
Ok from here on out i will
charvakheresy's picture
@ Andrew - The more pertinent


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