Do you believe in free will? Why or why not?

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Christian_Engineer's picture
Do you believe in free will? Why or why not?

As a Christian we believe that God has given us freewill and the ability to freely make choices, etc. As an atheist, how do you understand the experience of freewill? Is this an illusion? Is it real and just unexplained?

Here is the logic I would have: At the moment of the big bang everything we understand was put in to process. Eventually, stars, planets and people were created. If the big bang happened exactly the same way in another universe, the exact same progression would happen. The reason is that if all their is in existence is created forms of energy and nothing is capable of directing those forms of energy other than the laws of physics, there should be no difference between galaxy's even down to the last leg position of an ant.

If something outside of the material does exist what it is?? If it doesn't exist, do we have free will? Wouldn't every last particle of our being ONLY do what physics dictates? If it can be manipulated somehow, what is the non-physical entity that is capable of manipulating an object into disregarding the laws of physics?

Same question could be posed to theists... if you believe in Freewill, what part of you allows you to manipulate your brain outside of the laws of physics? How does that work and why can't we detect it? I would say, that I do not know, but I definitely believe free will is real.

Thoughts? I am curious about how most athiests understand the concept of freewill.

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LogicFTW's picture
It is actually an interesting
Christian_Engineer's picture
"if people also include their
David Killens's picture
If your god is all knowing
Christian_Engineer's picture
I don't see why God couldn't
David Killens's picture
So you claim to know the
LogicFTW's picture
Christian_Engineer's picture
I didn't read all of your
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
Would it be churlish to ask
LogicFTW's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens's picture
It is a damning condemnation
Sapporo's picture
Anyone who is aware of
gupsphoo's picture
I don't think everything was
David Killens's picture
The "Big Bang" may not herald
Sheldon's picture
Yet again I think the late
Sky Pilot's picture
turning_left's picture
I think (ha!) free will is an
Bernhard's picture
Jade, that's what I'm
CyberLN's picture
It makes no difference to me
Ramo Mpq's picture
LogicFTW's picture
@Searching for Truth
Ramo Mpq's picture
@ Logic
Hitch's picture
@Searching for truth:
Ramo Mpq's picture
LogicFTW's picture
@Search for truth
Ramo Mpq's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ SfT
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ SfT
LogicFTW's picture


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