Do you have arguments with your parents about God or religion

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hwi2's picture
Do you have arguments with your parents about God or religion

I was wondering if atheism runs in families? In other words, if your parents or siblings believe in God, is it because their parents did not and would that trickle down into your own beliefs. What about the people who just don't believe in God even though their parents do? Would that cause arguments and how would you handle it?

As for me, my parents believe in God and I am very curious what would happen if I walked up to my mother tomorrow and said "Mom, I love you, but I don't believe in God". LOL. What do you think would happen if you told your parents this? I am very interested in knowing.

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Serjaydee's picture
Actually my parents already
Onwem's picture
Because of my cultural
catandmouse's picture
In my opinion everyone have
atheister's picture
I never indulge in any debate
dtommy79's picture
Why most atheist think that
Tman127182's picture
You're just one Christian out
Mirta's picture
When I was young my mother
rider's picture
I was born into a Christian
Heather's picture
I grew up in a house that
mysticrose's picture
I'm also having problem on
Heather's picture
A big part of my decision was
Walker's picture
I used to have arguments with
DarkLight's picture
I had a lots of problems with
James's picture
Maybe some generations from
SammyShazaam's picture
My Grandmother refused to

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