Does it matter if a creator exists

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chimp3's picture
@ali: If a god existed it

@ali: If a god existed it could conquer tyranny and rescue the innocent. That would matter. Instead, tyranny and hatred continue as if no god exists which is willing to help.

Sushisnake's picture

Where on earth are you getting your figures, Ali? The highest estimate I've ever come across is 10454 dead as a result of Tiananmen Square, not 2,000,000- and there's some scepticism about the 10000 figure. The usual estimate is given as more than a1000.

Others have already corrected your inflated figures for the USSR. Is there are a reason you keep inflating the figures and only seem concerned with communist or formerly communist countries? Is it something to do with godless communism?

 The Persistent Mystery: How Many Died in 1989?

Alic2k18's picture
@ chimp3

@ chimp3
exactly tyranny and hatred still continue whether a creator exists or not the only way forward is to find ways of getting rid of them but without force.

chimp3's picture
Sometimes force is necessary

Sometimes force is necessary againt tyrannts. But if a creator existed it would only matter if it helped out. If it is indifferent or only punished tyrannts after death, then it does not matter.

Alic2k18's picture
@ chimp3

@ chimp3
As all most people should know it the footprints you leave on this planet that leave in impression not what happens after we die any crimes or acts of tyranny or hatred should be punished for those acts appropriately as our actions cause reactions positive or negative.

chimp3's picture
I agree. It is up to us

I agree. It is up to us because gods do not matter.

Alic2k18's picture
@ sushisnake

@ sushisnake
It's not about godless communism it's just examples of force being used to get rid of those who opposed their political thoughts or beliefs. I know all religions are doing the same now and have done the same in the past. Improving education and getting rid of religion from public and private education and would help a lot for the generation that come after us. We should learn from the mistakes that the whole human race has made not just part of it.


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