Don't Feed The Trolls

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ronald bertram's picture
Don't Feed The Trolls

Every forum deals with trolls. Who knows what their motives are. The motive doesn't offer any solution.

On the Cattle Forum the trolls were sometimes folks who were opposed to the use of animals as a protein source. Whether it was chickens, pigs, sheep or cattle. I suppose their object is to move the human population to a plant based protein source. In my opinion that is going to happen not because of activist but because of economics.

It's very expensive to raise cattle for meat. To complicate the profitability of raising cattle for meat is competition from countries like Brazil and Argentina where labor is very cheap. Some of the handling practices in these lower tier countries is pretty harsh.

I know a lot of the Users on the cattle forum engaged these trolls. It never looks pretty. You get down in a pen with a pig and pretty soon you look just like the pig does. I ignored them. They thrive on attention. Just saying.

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boomer47's picture
@Bright Raven
ronald bertram's picture
David Killens's picture
Trolls are pathetic people.
Sheldon's picture
IMHO you should Ignore trolls
boomer47's picture
Sheldon's picture
ronald bertram's picture
Christopher Hitchens.
LogicFTW's picture
This thread though, along
Cognostic's picture
@Bright(TROLL)Raven: Like
ronald bertram's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Bright Raven: "I got a
ronald bertram's picture
Tin-Man's picture
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@Bright Raven: More
Whitefire13's picture
From an observer’s POV - Cog
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”Maybe try a psychiatrist...”
ronald bertram's picture
Whitefire13's picture more brilliant than
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@Whitefire Re: BR
boomer47's picture
@Tin -Man
Tin-Man's picture
@Cranky Re: "Perhaps more
Cognostic's picture
@ Tin and OM: Or you could
NewSkeptic's picture
For the first time in my life
LogicFTW's picture
boomer47's picture
LogicFTW's picture
I always order the better
Sheldon's picture
NewSkeptic "For the first
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
I don't see a problem with
Whitefire13's picture


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