Dr. Feser: Aristotelian proof of God

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Again; why does something
RedleT's picture
It depends on what you mean
xenoview's picture
Peripatetic's picture
Discere's picture
"it's even necessary"
Peripatetic's picture
you look like someone who
Discere's picture
But that is how human
RedleT's picture
@ Discere
Discere's picture
It's called a Self
RedleT's picture
But what is its foundation
xenoview's picture
Dumb Ox
xenoview's picture
chimp3's picture
Peripatetic's picture
listen to this https:/
algebe's picture
Wow. That is a boring lecture
Peripatetic's picture
Philosophers like Feser do
algebe's picture
@P "mentally retarded kids
Peripatetic's picture
It's so sad that one has to
algebe's picture
Peripathetic: "It's so sad
chimp3's picture
Hitchens made a great point.
RedleT's picture
Does he mean he didn't
chimp3's picture
He meant that it can't be
LogicFTW's picture
Don't forget this "god" also
jonthecatholic's picture
I think this point isn’t even
LostLocke's picture
Aquinas isn't trying to prove
jonthecatholic's picture
Actually, he is trying to
algebe's picture
@Jon the Catholic: "Actually,
jonthecatholic's picture
We have faith because it’s
Discere's picture
Great! So now we can pull out
Peripatetic's picture
@Discere No it's not


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