Elon Musk
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The "problem" of nuclear "waste" is political, not technological.
Some 80% of what we call nuclear waste is spent fuel. Entirely profitable and beneficial ways of dealing with it is shut down by irrational fear.
Breeder reactors use it, and the output would be greater than all the cost and expense involved in the fuel from mining it to reprocessing it, and dealing with the irradiated garbage resulting from handling and working with it.
The output of fuel after Breeders is either nearly ideal for use in the best near-term robust rapid space travel option "old Bang-Bang" Project Orion from General Atomics and NASA in the late '50s - early '60s. What Dr Freeman Dyson said is one of the greatest technological discoveries shut down because of ignorance and lack of ambition or vision. It could give us the entire Solar system out into interstellar space with '60s tech and end large-scale industry on the planet.
Or highly enriched Pu could be used in power reactors.
The question about the on-going expense of the total real cost of the nuclear fuel cycle, is with us because of lack of vision.
@David Killens
Want to know what his rockets are really for? https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-starlink-satellite-internet-how-i...
He needs a way to get 12,000 + satellites up in to low earth orbit, and to replace them as needed.
This is a big BIG deal.
Why do you ask? If this satellite system works, he and his company could eventually gain control of all human communication (barring other countries/competition in this same sector.) Except he might/probably win the race. He might have his satelites up there, taking the primo airspace for these satellites before anyone else.
Imagine if you will, gigabit+ internet speeds for millions of people simultaneously anywhere in the world, (except maybe the poles.) This includes on planes, cruise ships, cars, all without needing ground infrastructure, no power, no lines nothing. As we grow to an increasingly connected society, we can have high speed internet in any and all places. Not only that but if this works as advertised it will be significantly faster than even the fastest ground based connections. Once this internet hits critical mass, he could charge us 10 bucks a month for unlimited gigabit+ internet speeds. (Less in countries where people generally cannot afford that.)
This also will change how we get our media content. We won't need computers anymore, just small screens with batteries that are permanently connected to high speed internet. A smartphone and a viewing device/interface is all we will need. And if current rates of cellphone use is to be expected to transfer over to this, we will all be connected, constantly.
The rockets can bring people to space but that is only a tiny sidebar media sound byte of what these rockets really will be used for.
The investor in me says do not invest long term in any cable/wire based company. If Comcast/Verizon/AT&T/others/etc do not get with the program quickly or convert over to media content production they will cease to exist 10-20 years from now if Elon Musk can pull off this satellite internet, or if some other entity pulls this off.
Kind of depends on how you define "green energy." Nuclear releases less CO2 into the air per kilowatt hour then solar, wind, hydro (all of these including nuclear do not directly release any, but their production/installation/disposal definitely do!)
I am a huge fan of solar, and to a lesser extent wind and hydro, (hydro is actually quite greenhouse warming gas expensive!) But they are not without their problems. Solar's main problem is the power storage problem, wind is "space" and hydro is mostly maxed out.
No proper account on nuclear waste disposal/storage is true, they mostly been storing it onsite as NIMBY is strong for nuclear and nuclear waste. Luckily they are building right now nuclear power plants that take nuclear waste and reuse it, further reducing, and we are inching closer to deuterium based fusion, and if we can successfully somewhat economically conqueror that, that changes everything. Power could essentially become "free" once the plants are built, and we can use our existing power lines to distribute it. Plus there is hope for miniaturization of both nuclear and possibly fusion.
Nuclear is our best option, (until fusion) but powerful fossil fuel industry has successfully made a boogeyman out of nuclear while hiding the true cost of coal/oil/gas. (Like coal releases tremendous amounts of radiation strait into the air, and their radioactive debris gets stored all over the place, with new neighborhoods being built on top of these radioactive debris fields!) If we spent 1/10th the amount on nuclear as we do on the US highway system....'sigh.'
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Well the good news is I sold off 1/2 of my Tesla put options (bets against Tesla) yesterday at 600% profit.
The bad news is I didn't bet much so its not like I made enough to buy a fancy European sports car. More like enough to buy a well used motorcycle.
The guy seems to be on autopilot.
He's lost the plot with this business of calling that diver who planned the rescue of those boys in Thailand, a "child rapist". Looks like an expensive lawsuit is on the cards. All seems very bizarre to be honest.
Vernon Unsworth, the diver Musk has accused in a series of emails and tweets, has stated he plans to sue Musk in three countries, including Thailand, where Musk could face prison time, according to one article.
I'm surprised the share price has fallen.
For anyone interested: Tesla is scheduled to release its first quarter financials later today; might give a better window into what is happening.
Well I cashed out the other half at an even better rate today. I'm still super skeptical (given Musk's robotaxis plan with I think is bullshit) and I suppose I should have held them, but I'm too emotional when it comes to taking chances with my money; it's why I don't play poker.
The equities/stock market is one giant gambling machine. Just; if you do a wide spread and go long, the odds are actually in your favor to make a buck, as opposed to most traditional gambling where the odds are always in favor of the "house."
Although I do worry capitalism, (esp. in the US,) is nearing its end game based on current policy from Washington DC. And economic forces out of DC's control. Things like: dwindling resources in the face of ever larger populations and as more people leave poverty and start buying more things putting further strain on the dwindling resources.
He uses straw-men and other red herrings to downplay space-based solar power ; power collection and beaming satellites. They must be the way of the future. Anyone who poo-poohs them uses straw men and bad assumptions.
He pushes the hype of colonizing Mars while ignoring that there's no data saying we can live long-term and stay healthy in low-G - there are strong counter- indicators. He talks about the pure fantasy of terraforming it...
Meanwhile he seems completely ignorant of Gerard O'Neill and the work by NASA Ames on space colonies in the '70s: no new inventions needed to start and we could build virtually Earth-like habitation anywhere near n the Solar System out into the Oort halo.
He seems ignorant also of asteroid mining; anybody who talks about space but doesn't say they're going first after NEO precious metals isn't serious and shouldn't be taken seriously.
But note that he did in a few years what big government and aerospace couldn't in over 50 years (recovering boosters, a totally new line of non-government ordered
& designed launch vehicles, and a new space vehicle - let alone reusable space vehicle) and was under-selling the competition in launch services before they'd recovered a booster.)
And nothing Tesla or SpaceX does is patented, and SpaceX doesn't make rockets under cost-plus (guaranteed profit, or graft) like big aerospace anywhere else: they only get paid for delivering the customer's payload to the destination per contract.
Statements made right before seeking to raise more than 2 billion capitol with bond sales.
Statements made after receiving the capitol:
What is really great nowadays is that you can move around the globe so quickly and modern technologies provide us with this in full. Also with moving from one country to another, thanks to this, I was able to give passive income visa in Portugal and it really didn't take me as much effort and time as I expected. It's really great, don't you agree?