A full Proof for God's existence

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Sheldon's picture
Indeed, tooth decay, cancer,
LogicFTW's picture
Also adding to Sheldon's post
Dave Matson's picture
If physical reality knows of
Sheldon's picture
"you can't reason God into
Anas Waleed's picture
"If physical reality knows of
arakish's picture
Clean up! Aisle Four.
Anonymous's picture


Attach Image/Video?: 

Dave Matson's picture
Anas Waleed's picture
"On what basis do you claim
Sheldon's picture
"I am only saying that we can
xenoview's picture
Is your necessary being God?
Anonymous's picture
Someone needs a hug.
algebe's picture
Whose mon (紋) is that?
Sapporo's picture
Something is only a necessary
Anas Waleed's picture
Did you read the argument?
arakish's picture
Damnit. Clean up. Aisle Six
Sapporo's picture
Avicenna anticipates that one
Anas Waleed's picture
"the universe must be
Sheldon's picture
"we come to know that the
arakish's picture
Wikipedia: "It does this by
Anas Waleed's picture
"This has already been shown
Sheldon's picture
arakish never said science
arakish's picture
"moot? show it please...
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm still looking for the
Anas Waleed's picture
Here is a direct link...https
arakish's picture
Clean up. Aisle 14. Someone
Sheldon's picture
Link to what?
Nyarlathotep's picture
That isn't a formal proof. If
Anas Waleed's picture
It is a compound proof..
xenoview's picture
So you got lazy. You are


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