A full Proof for God's existence

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Anas Waleed's picture
"assertion that religions
arakish's picture
avicenna: I only said that
Sheldon's picture
"you still haven't shown any
David Killens's picture
@ avicenna
Anas Waleed's picture
"Why would any deity create a
LogicFTW's picture
"he is so bright you cant see
Nyarlathotep's picture
avicenna - God is not hiding,
David Killens's picture
@ avicenna
Sheldon's picture
"I repeat, where is your god?
xenoview's picture
Anas Waleed's picture
"You can't logic a God into
Sheldon's picture
""You can't logic a God into
xenoview's picture
Thank you Sheldon.
Anas Waleed's picture
"Nope, not even close."
arakish's picture
avicenna: May God guide you
Sheldon's picture
"May God guide you and me
David Killens's picture
It appears that you have
xenoview's picture
Your argument failed to logic
LogicFTW's picture
Quite a few atheist here at
Anonymous's picture
Hi, Avi. What denominations
silence1's picture
....deity not showing u it
arakish's picture
@ silence1
Sheldon's picture
Ah the old "an omniscient
David Killens's picture
@ silence1
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, provide an argument!
arakish's picture
...and them comes the
Tin-Man's picture
@Silence1 Re: "...being the
David Killens's picture
Why are there hemorrhoids?
Anonymous's picture
I don't know. Why are there
David Killens's picture
@ Magnificent Beast


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