"Gawwd gave you free will, that's why there's evil!"

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science's picture
How ridiculous!! How did the
science's picture
Update!!! God has done it
science's picture
Another update!! Death toll
science's picture
Another update!!! Death toll
science's picture
Current update!!! Death toll
science's picture
By the way...what about GODS'
CyberLN's picture
So, I got cancer because I
Ellie Harris's picture
Hello ilovequestions. Now for
Ilovequestions's picture
Ellie Harris's picture
Then again your bible states
Mitch's picture
Free will was given to us so
Ellie Harris's picture
Well let's just say your
Mitch's picture
I trust the merciful
Ellie Harris's picture
"I can't presume to know his
Mitch's picture
I'd counter that I know some
goodspear's picture
His plan is a future and a
ThePragmatic's picture
This is not intended as an
science's picture
Forget it, Prag...we are
ThePragmatic's picture
Your right. :)
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
well said
science's picture
If you are waitung to find
Kataclismic's picture
I'm still working on focusing
Mitch's picture
First off, thank you for the
Andrew McArthur's picture
You seem to see a fundamental
science's picture
Mitch's picture
There can be a difference,
n7natnat's picture
What did God do during that
n7natnat's picture
Also, I would like to say I
Mitch's picture
n7 the contradictions in the
n7natnat's picture
You mean rational reasoning


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