Genes vs Environment-Why you are an atheist or a believer

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terraphon's picture
I'll say I believe in god if

I'll say I believe in god if it will stop your torturous shit-posting.

Reading the OP made me feel like I was being water-boarded.

dogalmighty's picture
...and what gene(s) is/are

...and what gene(s) is/are responsible for this vacuous claim? Without the appropriate specific gene research, your proposition is baseless. Also genetic specificity is broad there are many aspects to religiosity for example...or spirituality...or fantasy...or like traits, which would all, as in other known genetic associations, have to be included.

comoke1024's picture
I don't 100% buy into the

I don't 100% buy into the Nature vs. Nurture debate. It precludes the idea of free will. Did I embrace atheism because of the environment I grew up in or because of my genetics? I did it because of I heard a great argument against theism and I agreed with it. I gradually moved toward atheism over time, but eventually it was my agreement with atheist debaters that pushed me over.

Was this environment or genes? Hard to say. Probably more genes because those contribute to my intelligence, but also my environment because that taught me how to think and approach conundrums. So maybe 50/50 or 60/40 (genes/environment)

However, I like to think I had the free will to choose. The Nature vs. Nurture debate seems to indicate that with enough information and research into a person's upbringing and genetics, their actions can be predicted to a high degree of certainty, which chucks free will out the window.

arakish's picture
@ fiat

@ fiat

Here is an example for you.

I am probably the least intelligent person on these forum boards. Compared to others, I am just a wannabe struggling retard.

Am I being sarcastic by making those statements. OR, am I being truly self-descriptive?

Think Critically about it.

Also employ smileys like Cognostic suggested. If I ever write something and mean for it to never be taken seriously, I will use the raspberry smiley [ ;-P ] at the end. That way, once read, everyone knows I do not mean it seriously and it should be taken as a joke.

And here is good example.

Hey Tin-Man, you are a no good for nothing walking pile of junk. ;-P


David Killens's picture
I thought Tin-Man was good as

I thought Tin-Man was good as a trash can. lol

Tin-Man's picture
@David Re: "I thought Tin

@David Re: "I thought Tin-Man was good as a trash can."

Actually, I just recently had a compactor upgrade. Much more effecient now. Triple capacity, as a matter of fact.... *beaming smile*.... Oops... Uh, I mean... *beaming smirk*...

Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Hey Tin-Man,

@Arakish Re: "Hey Tin-Man, you are a no good for nothing walking pile of junk."

...*clearing throat*... Ahem! Pardon me, dear sir, but I do believe you meant to say, "...good for nothing walking configuration of eco-friendly recycled metal products."... *reading statement again*... Oh, you have a raspberry smiley at the end. My bad. Disregard.

comoke1024's picture
@Tin-Man Well I think you're

@Tin-Man Well I think you're dandy, sir. And much more recyclable than us meatbags.

arakish's picture
@ David, Tin-Man, Skeptical

@ David, Tin-Man, Skeptical Kevin, and fiat

See. Sarcasm at its best. LMAOWF


Cognostic's picture
@arakis' "I am probably the

@arakis' "I am probably the least intelligent person on these forum boards. " But,,,, but .... but,,,,, You are so big and strong and GREEN, And we love you.. Besides that, honesty and wisdom out perform intelligence in everything but multiple choice tests.

gupsphoo's picture


"If you were water board or tortured could you change your mind about your belief THERE IS GOD/NO GOD."

I believe negative reinforcements will only lead to one's behavioral changes, not one's belief.

If you point a gun to my head and tell me to say I believe in god, I will say it. However, I certainly won't mean what I say.


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