Has anyone [else] seen any good political movies?

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Has anyone [else] seen any good political movies?

I am [re]watching Lions for Lambs and watched W. , Watchman, and Charlie Wilson's War a while back. Anyone up for talking about a political movies and watch as we all dig our heels deeper in this morass called the body politic :P ?

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Anser's picture
"Anyone up for talking about
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
well there is a minor
Anser's picture
About the only difference
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
feminism: https://www.youtube
Justin Baker's picture
I think my favorite one would
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
hmm I tried to watch thirteen
teomatiz's picture
After a long day of work,
VItor's picture
Excited to dive into the
Somana's picture
The most famous high-quality
HarmiGreen's picture
Hey. Different streaming
VItor's picture
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