Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life,
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chimp3 "Just heavy petting maybe?"
More likely a fevered fantasy in the mind of the aging and impotent religious guru who made this horseshit up in the first place. Sex sells on Madison Avenue and in temples and mosques.
and those womens were his wifes. he handled 16108 wifes at once. but if we check rightly then you cant handle even 1 women.
alright so next question is If everything is pleasure, then why you take the counteractive process ( in sex life ) ? Why do you want to kill child? Pleasure? Why do you take contraceptive method if it is pleasure?
what is your answer ? ( and you do know it ? that your western civilization is suicidal or soul killing civilization.)
Contraceptives are used to prevent pregnancy. Condoms are also used to prevent the spread of disease. Any more Sex Ed 101 questions?
yes we know it that you are more grosser than cats, dog and pigs cuz after sex they dont even use any counterceptive methods.
your entire civilization is more grosser than cats and dogs. and your western civilization is suicidal or sould killing civilization.
Pigs, dogs, and cats do not use contraceptives because they do not have opposable thumbs. You need opposable thumbs to insert a diaphragm, apply a rubber, or take a pill. However , responsible pet owners will get their pets spayed / neutered. Even pet pigs.
therefore your entire western civilization is more grosser than cats and dogs. it is suicidal or soul killing civilization.
Now we're animals. At least we have toilets.
Blame an entire civilization on something only a small percentage of people do, sure.
Also, how about answering our questions CORRECTLY instead of goong off-topic and insulting us, that would be greatly appreciated :)
and what is the % of single mums in your western civilization ? what is it ? it is higher than 90%. and where is that man who is not women ( or prostitute ) hunter in your western civilization ?
oh it is an very small % ( just see the fun ) my ( dear ) cutie pie. and i have to believe such an **rascal hog** like you ? ( just see the folly )
I could really care less, but it is interesting you'd say higher than 90%, while it is actually less than 50% (in the US anyway). It gives us a good idea about how disconnected from reality you are.
This guy is very funny!
You said it was because of abortions, which about 16% of women get. Stop avoiding questions or just leave. You talk about us being a waste of time but you're not being helpful one bit.
nah my ( dear ) cutie pie it is not me who is avoiding real issuses so dont **shift burdon of proof** it is you who is avoiding real things.
so once again just come to real point and recall everything which you have thought or done on each second within`1 minute. and prove it that there is intelligence.
and now go on avoiding the issuses and shifting burdon of proof. but at the top now there is no more meaning in beating the dead horse(s) like you. ( simply waste of time )
Sexual phobia from a man who worships a god which bangs 16,108 ( to be exact ) at once. That's hilarious!
and why shall i follow any *street dog* like you ? who are you ? who are you `1st of all ? are you another authority ? alright give me another verifaible and tangible explanation so that i can start following you.
and keep`1 thing in your ( dull ) brain that you cant **impose** ( or shift burdon of proof ) your authority on us ( The Hare Krishnas ) without explaining anything at all.
I remember an encounter I had with the Hare Krishna's about 30 years ago. I was invited to a dinner , there was singing, and we took prasad. They were very happy and mild mannered. When some of us began to question their god's validity they became quite nasty and angry.
but you can guarantee your intelligence validity. but still you want to challenge absolute authority ? ( just see the fun )
there is no brain. if there is then why do you avoid the real issue ? come on my ( dear ) so called wise `1 prove yourself. just dont polish yourself falsely wise`1.
Still waiting for my explanation as to how forgetfulness equals there being a god :)
you dont even know a,b,c,d and you want to sit in university ( just see the fun ) if you want universities knowledge then `1st of all you must have some primary qualifications.
same if you want to understand Krishna as he is ( or challenge his authority ) then you must prove it that you have an perfect intelligence. by recalling everything which you have thought or done on each second within`1 minute.
go ahead and prove it that you have perfect intelligence ( street dog ) without shifiting burdon of proof so that we can understand what is what.
Krishna said that the wise see the same self in an adherent, an elephant, and a dog.
so child is not interested for education. But it is the duty of the father to make him educated, sometimes father punish him. So a child may be foolish, but how the parents can be foolish?”
what is your answer ??
Sometimes fools use god!
so you mean those childerns are smarter who want to play whole life and dont want to educate ? and those parents are fools who are trying to educate there childerns ? ( just see the fun )
Thank you for your response, I appreciate that. It was a little more helpful.
This quote that you said: "if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?"
Do you think then that because we can't prove that we had or will have a past or future life, it automatically means that there was? Does it automatically mean that a god exists?
as i said before that your father used to exist before your birth. you cant say that there was no father before child birth.
and you are dropped from the sky.
so how child will understand this thing that who is his real father ? what is your answer ? cuz since before his birth he never seen him. so would he will accept anyone else as his father ? Or how child will understand this thing that who is his real father ? what is your answer ?
There is a time before your birth that your father didn't exist. That time is before his birth.
I dont quite understand what you're asking, but I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.
*A child obviously wouldn't know their father just by looking at someone.
*DNA tests could be done to find out who the real father is
*Mayne the child will never know who their father is, or meet them
*Nobody can stop a person from thinking their father is a random stranger?
Does that answer what you are saying? Im curious as to how this relates to your main point.
D.N.A test admit that you need help of your real mother. that is D.N.A test. cuz right now you already dont know your real father but if you also dont know your real mother. than what is meaning of such bogus d.n.a test ?
O.K. ! More Sex Ed 101. Of course, the father and mother come before the child. You see Gustavo? When a man and woman love each other.....
Now how exactly does this fit into your main point?