Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life,

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algebe's picture
chimp3 "Just heavy petting
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
and those womens were his
chimp3's picture
Contraceptives are used to
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
yes we know it that you are
chimp3's picture
Pigs, dogs, and cats do not
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
therefore your entire western
Sky Pilot's picture
Now we're animals. At least
Stu. K.'s picture
Blame an entire civilization
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
and what is the % of single
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gustavo - and what is the %
chimp3's picture
This guy is very funny!
Stu. K.'s picture
You said it was because of
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
nah my ( dear ) cutie pie it
chimp3's picture
Sexual phobia from a man who
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
and why shall i follow any
chimp3's picture
I remember an encounter I had
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
but you can guarantee your
Stu. K.'s picture
Still waiting for my
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
you dont even know a,b,c,d
chimp3's picture
Krishna said that the wise
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
so child is not interested
chimp3's picture
Sometimes fools use god!
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
so you mean those childerns
Stu. K.'s picture
Thank you for your response,
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
as i said before that your
xenoview's picture
There is a time before your
Stu. K.'s picture
I do t quote understand what
Alberjo Gustavo's picture
D.N.A test admit that you
chimp3's picture
O.K. ! More Sex Ed 101. Of
Stu. K.'s picture
Now how exactly does this fit


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