High school prayer room

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xenoview's picture
High school prayer room

This Texas High School has a prayer room for all students to use.


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Truett's picture
I'd be okay with this IF
algebe's picture
Imagine having to drop
Pitar's picture
What I want to know is
curtisabass's picture
So if I'm into Santeria can I
MCDennis's picture
That's blasphemy. It's goats
Truett's picture
DancingFool is onto something
ThePragmatic's picture
I agree.
curtisabass's picture
So how many tits does
Truett's picture
I don't know, but it was a
curtisabass's picture
Wasn't she also Yahweh's wife
Truett's picture
I don't know, but Yahweh has
Jared Alesi's picture
I can attest as a
Ryan DeLongchamp's picture
Since your school is a
Jared Alesi's picture
It would be a hollow victory,
curtisabass's picture
Damn, Jared. How did you get
Nyarlathotep's picture
Heh, yeah I lived about 100
Jared Alesi's picture
Oh, and to be clear, the
Ryan DeLongchamp's picture
If there is going to be a
MCDennis's picture
Absolutely not. There should
mykcob4's picture
This is a clear violation of
MCDennis's picture
Is there a special room for
Endri Guri's picture
What the hell happened to the
xenoview's picture
Toronto school board ends all
algebe's picture
This story about compulsory
jamiebgood1's picture
So I went on to a christian
algebe's picture
@JamieB: ."...God also owns
SBMontero's picture
Here are two legal points of
charvakheresy's picture
Shouldn't there be sacrifices
Sky Pilot's picture
It's going to be fun when
tomasgreen's picture
Hello, I'm struggling with my


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