How to crush any atheist with one sentence

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Tin-Man's picture
Re: sirius

Re: sirius

Ya know, it is disturbing to think there are people like this who actually believe they are being truly profound and meaningful by coming here and spewing their juvenile diarrhea like that.

(Oh, and my apologies to any juveniles out there who are actually more intelligent than our recent trolls. I meant no offense to you.)

NewSkeptic's picture
"(Oh, and my apologies to any

"(Oh, and my apologies to any juveniles out there who are actually more intelligent than our recent trolls. I meant no offense to you.)"

...or to diarrhea, which at least has a purpose.

Tin-Man's picture
@New Skeptic Re: "...or to

@New Skeptic Re: "...or to diarrhea, which at least has a purpose."

Oh, my goodness! You are so right! Dear me, where are my manners? Yes, a sincere apology to diarrhea for my insensitivity at comparing it to the drooling trolls. Very rude of me to do that.

Cognostic's picture
Or any juveniles suffering

Or any juveniles suffering from Diarrhea, about whom this post was not intended to implicate in the ignorance contained herein.

Sapporo's picture
I must admit that I am

I must admit that I am crushed to find further evidence that I don't exist in the best of all possible worlds.

Grinseed's picture
I must admit that I am elated

I must admit that I am elated to find further evidence that I am not the dumbest shit in the world I exist in.

Sapporo, is your new avatar a lump of coal? I only ask because I never got mine from Bad Santa for Christmas....but then he IS Bad Santa...never mind.

arakish's picture
Actually it looks like a lump

Actually it looks like a lump of clay, playing on the Christian deity being able to make a mud pie, give a blow job, and, voila, a man.


Grinseed's picture
Well, that's alright, I

Well, that's alright, I already got a lump of clay for my birthday. But you know, I've done everything to it and it still looks like a lump of clay. I was trying to make my very own Lilith. Eve was such a bimbo. Guess I'm not a god then.

Azolla's picture
Just Ask those gosh darn God

Just Ask those gosh darn God hating athists who just want to sin where the universe came from that will get them praying on the ground Real fast

Tin-Man's picture
@Klamatha Re: "Just Ask

@Klamatha Re: "Just Ask those gosh darn God hating athists who just want to sin where the universe came from that will get them praying on the ground Real fast"

Darn tootin'! However, it is puzzling to me as to why they have so much trouble with that question. After all, EVERYBODY knows the universe came from the ginormous and invisible blue Cosmic Bunnies. Just plain ol' common sense stuff right there. No need for praying. Just throw a few carrots out in the back yard every now and then, and they are happy as can be. By the way, welcome to the Mighty AR. We may not always behave around here, but we have good intentions. And that's what counts, right? Anyway, make yourself at home and enjoy the tingling ambiance. Now, if you will please excuse me, I have to go find so more sinning to do. Got a little behind today taking care of some business. Later....


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