How do you justify the notion that only science and logic are valid?

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David Killens's picture
@ hanni the witch
hanni the witch's picture
Listen, I really DON'T like
David Killens's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Hanni Re: "Please take back
David Killens's picture
hanni the witch's picture
OK fine, maybe I should've
David Killens's picture
@ hanni the witch
Sheldon's picture
@hanni the witch
Sheldon's picture
Wow that's a whole lot of
hanni the witch's picture
Oh, wow, geez, thanks for
Whitefire13's picture
hanni the witch's picture
Let me make this clearer to
Whitefire13's picture
Holy Hanni...
hanni the witch's picture
You're just asserting that
Whitefire13's picture
@Hanni (again assuming you
hanni the witch's picture
Well, if you love quick wiki
Whitefire13's picture
@hanni. Thanks for the
hanni the witch's picture
Thank you :)
Whitefire13's picture
hanni the witch's picture
Acknowledged. I'm still a
David Killens's picture
@ hanni the witch
hanni the witch's picture
David Killens's picture
@ hanni the witch
hanni the witch's picture
It does originate from the
Cognostic's picture
@hanni the witch: Another
hanni the witch's picture
OK so why do you think there
Sheldon's picture
hanni the witch "You're just
hanni the witch's picture
It is also objectively agreed
Sheldon's picture
hanni the witch 1) "It is
hanni the witch's picture
''have no idea what you even


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