Human level artificial intelligence (god like) will likely come soon

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Blue Grey Brain's picture
@ Avant Brown
arakish's picture
You have provided NO sources.
Blue Grey Brain's picture
You have provided NO sources.
arakish's picture
The only definition I have
Blue Grey Brain's picture
The only definition I have
arakish's picture
Still guess you cannot
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Still guess you cannot
arakish's picture
Is that your final answer?
arakish's picture
Avant Brown: "If you simply
arakish's picture
And you are wrong about
Blue Grey Brain's picture
And you are wrong about
arakish's picture
Yet it still uses pre
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Yet it still uses pre
arakish's picture
Because they do not learn.
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Because they do not learn.
arakish's picture
Don't need one. No one has
Cognostic's picture
"Think religiously. You have
Blue Grey Brain's picture
"Think religiously. You have
arakish's picture
Cognostic's Shovel
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Cognostic's Shovel
Cognostic's picture
When you apply the same
Blue Grey Brain's picture
When you apply the same
Meepwned's picture
@Avant Brown You prosletize
Blue Grey Brain's picture
@Avant Brown You prosletize
arakish's picture
Avant Brown: "I had long
Blue Grey Brain's picture
The laws of physics
arakish's picture
Avant Brown: "We don't need
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Avant Brown: "We don't need
arakish's picture
Nope. Well, yeah, you could
Meepwned's picture
I take issue with calling us


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