I am Morally Superior to God!

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chimp3's picture
I am Morally Superior to God!

Recently a local 9 year old girl was abducted in broad daylight from a park. Right under the noses of her parents. She was raped,strangled and drowned in a creek while police and her parents were searching for her. Some of the searchers were praying (according to their testimony on tv). A man is in custody and awaiting trial for her murder.
I did not know this young person or her family but I would have done anything within my human limitations to save her life, Anything! I am sure the good folks on this website would have too.
God did nothing. Nothing! Ignored her cries, terror, and pain. God is either uncaring, impotent, or non-existent. I am betting on non-existent. He can send typhoons to vex homosexuals but he can't lend a hand to save a young womans life?
Human beings on a daily basis exhibit far superior moral fortitude than the so called ruler of the universe and we are simply apes.

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algebe's picture

"I am Morally Superior to God!"

God's a racist, genocidal war criminal, a child abuser (had his own son tortured and killed), and a rapist (got Mary pregnant without her consent and sent a henchman to tell her the good news because he didn't have the guts to tell her himself).

chimp3's picture
I have never advocated for

I have never advocated for genocide, child abuse, rape, or racism. That makes me morally superior!

charvakheresy's picture
According to the bible the

According to the bible the Devil is morally superior to God.

The only thing the devil is guilty of doing is convincing eve to eat an apple so that she gains knowledge of good and evil (which could be understood to mean he gave her an education.)

In contrast God ordered man to commit genocide, rape, pillage, murder and committed foeticide himself in egypt.

ThePragmatic's picture
Good point.

Good point.

Someone did a headcount of number of kills as well. The Devil caused the death of a handful of people, while god caused many millions, even though they didn't count the flood.

Harry33Truman's picture
Actually Satan is an angel

Actually Satan is an angel that works for G-d according to Hebrew Scriptures

chimp3's picture
Works for god? According to

Works for god? According to the Book of Job he is more like a gambling buddy!

Harry33Truman's picture
Apparently their good freinds

Apparently their good freinds

Dave Matson's picture


Satan worked for God in the good old days when God took responsibility for both good and evil. But after God dropped the evil gig Satan was promoted to god-like status and took responsibility for all evil. Maybe the Iranian view won out. Who knows?

Harry33Truman's picture
No, Satan always worked for G

No, Satan always worked for G-d

Stu. K.'s picture
But "God has a plan".

But "God has a plan".

Harry33Truman's picture
It's called giving them

It's called giving them enough rope to hang themselves with. The FBI does it all the time

Harry33Truman's picture
So you criticise G-d for not

So you criticise G-d for not doing anything? Funny, because in Sodom and Gomorrah when he did do something about repetitive incidences you say he is evil for that too! Nothing he does or doesn't do is right in your eyes, so why do anything.

chimp3's picture
Yes! Because of me he should

Yes! Because of me he should retire. Is there an atheist award for that?

Dave Matson's picture
God doesn't get credit for

God doesn't get credit for killing good people along with bad people. Do you honestly expect us to believe that Sodom and Gomorrah had no decent people other than this one dude, his wife, and his two daughters? What about the children of those cities? Even in the darkest corners of a city we find decent people. In Nazi Germany some Germans risked their lives to save Jews. In ghetto riots in the U.S. some blacks helped victims. In Somalia, when they were killing those downed pilots, at least one of the natives spoke up or did something decent. So, God smashes the rose bush to nail a few worms! Not good! It's a re-enactment of God's flood days. Kill everything!

Harry33Truman's picture
We're talking about a city,

We're talking about a city, so it would have been easy for the good people to get out, so if they were still there they were either passive supporters of the evil or active participatory, and Lot and his family were NOT righteous, Lot was a pimp who offered to have his daughters gang raped to death by a roaring mob, his daughters were incestuous perverts and his wife tried to go back to Sodom.
:-( only spared him because of Abram.

That one guy's picture
Passive supporters? The idea

Passive supporters? The idea that people who are just trying to live their lives despite the bad things that happen around them are passive supporters of evil? This is a horrible notion. People who are powerless and can't do anything about a bad situation are evil by association aye? Im so seething with anger i can't even think of words. What an ignorant childish statement. Lets murder the children of terrorists then. Kill the families of people who do crime. Next time a criminal has a baby you go ahead and stab it to death and say well this is the way god thinks so lets behave like that.

Harry33Truman's picture
You sit around all day near

You sit around all day near that evil and don't try to leave- sounds like you're a bystander, only evil people want to move to Sodom.

ThePragmatic's picture



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That one guy's picture
I think you are right. I

I think you are right. I doubt I'll take this guy seriously anymore. He just seemed ignorant but had something to say. If he is just trolling the forums I won't waste my time.

charvakheresy's picture
So that means god was playing

So that means god was playing favourites. He only chose to save abrams choice. Kind of a dick move for an "all loving father".

That one guy's picture
So like I told Hawk Flint in

So like I told Hawk Flint in another forum. God is not God's name. You don't have to hyphenate it like that. His name Is YHWH(Yahweh) or in the old archaic catholic version, Jehovah. You are not taking his name in vain when referring to him as God.

Nordic Fox's picture
Meteors to cleanse Sodom and

Meteors to cleanse Sodom and Gomorrah....

That's like using nuclear weapons to "liberate" people. If a deity can't do something right without annihilating an entire area, then they're entirely worthy of criticism lol

The bible is just written on an LSD trip or after a fever dream, that's the big issue.

jdrose's picture
Its interesting to note how

Its interesting to note how the survivors of the Nazi Holocaust think about God. Some, like author Primo Levi became atheists. Some, like George Soros became monsters; Soros turned in fellow Jews to the Nazis; grotesquely which he later described as "one of the happiest times of his life"

Holocaust survivors I have met told me " I know God loves me because he saved me" If someone can survive Auschwitz, maintain their exemplary integrity and character and not blame God but thank "him" is profound and perhaps a message.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Seeker - Some, like George

Seeker - Some, like George Soros became monsters; Soros turned in fellow Jews to the Nazis; grotesquely which he later described as "one of the happiest times of his life"

Sounds like Glen Beck conspiracy trash. Probably should checks your sources before you believe/repeat garbage.

jdrose's picture
Nyarlatthoep: . Why Beck

Nyarlatthoep: . Why Beck trash? He's a cheeto faced Cruz loving moron who has lost his way and his mind.

Soros in his own words.

and more of his duplicity http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/257779/nazi-collaborator-george-soros-...

Nyarlathotep's picture
If you are trying to

Seeker - Why Beck trash? He's a cheeto faced Cruz loving moron who has lost his way and his mind.

Then you probably shouldn't be repeating his conspiracy theories.
If you are trying to establish a claim, you should cite a credible source that makes the same claim. Not a 40 second youtube clip where the claim is not repeated. Or worse, a Horowitz publication that does not source the claim.

It is extremely easy to internalized information that matches your world view without checking it; you probably don't like Soros's politics, so it is easy for you to believe the lie that he "turned in fellow Jews to the Nazis". This lie is an excellent example of propaganda; it wedges itself nicely into your world view and is very difficult to dislodge; so difficult that even when I directly pointed it out, you doubled down on the crazy instead of taking a hard look. Try taking a hard look at the claim, and you will notice there are some BIG problems with it. After you've done that; try asking yourself how I knew the claim was the false the instant I read it, yet you continued to believe it after it was challenged directly. Could lead to some interesting introspection. Or you could just continue to insist it is true, and eventually start goal post moving. I hope you do the former, but my bet is on the latter.

jdrose's picture
Nyarlatholep. http://www

Nyarlatholep. http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/n.aspx Good name for you. "Soros on Tape "It was probably the happiest year of my life, that German occupation" Soros was a Jew.

May the truth reflect back upon you a decaying countenance like Soros, your hero. Did you ever delight in torturing animals? Your venom is salubrious to "the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep"

From HP Lovecraft poem "Nyarlatholep.": And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods—the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.

Don't attack the messenger of this one. Refute Daniel Greenfield. Make excuses for Hillary. You hurl disgusting unsubstantiated invective and call truth lies and slander a good man, Horowitz, and one of the most sentient writers alive, Daniel Greenfield. Gossip and slander break one of the Ten Commandments "Thou shall not bear false witness". I'm sure you think the Holocaust was a conspiracy by Jews to establish the modern State of Israel.

As an athiest, you hate (or disbelieve) God, so you must hate Jews too or consider them liars unless they are like Soros who you make excuses for. George found the strength from his father, he said. The Schwartzes/Soros are as bad as the Wildensteins,http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/01/06/how-wives-brought-down-... who sold confiscated Jewish art for their their Nazi overlords. And Soros' family was safe because they colloborated with the Nazi's. A first grader knows 1 + 1 = 2. Disgusting..

I hope you were heavily invested in FTSE when Soros broke the British pound. Troll.

Nyarlathotep's picture
So I see you are sticking

So I see you are sticking with the Glen Beck conspiracy theory. Disappointed but not surprised.

jdrose's picture
You did not answer one

Glen Beck didn't record the you tube video and Glenn Beck didn't write the article about Soros supporting current Muslim invaders of Burma and comparing them to Jews during WWII. A vile claim.

You did not answer one question directly. Your never revealed your "obvious revelation", You just lied and accused me of conspiracy and defamed decent people and poisoned common sense for the gullible which makes you "not a nice person"

I didn't expect more from a supposed descendant of millions of generations of an amino acid hit by lightening /sarc. You Bait and Switch and point fingers and accuse. .And you NEVER will answer the question of Soros or your anti-Semitism, because my slinging the truth is like a light to cockroaches. To bait and switch that last statement to demonize me will FAIL.

I am not disappointed because I expected exactly this from you. AR Republic has some decent people, even if I don't agree with them. They are honest. You belong in a Hungarian sewer in 1944 "searching for Jews fleeing outside their "Ghetto" while your friend Soros points out the houses and riches to the Nazis.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Listen, it is really simple:

Listen, it is really simple: You said "Soros turned in fellow Jews to the Nazis". I assert that is false. You linked statements on related matters, but nothing for that exact claim. This is a claim made popular by Glen Beck, and you repeated it; please support/defend that exact claim. And don't link material with Soros says he enjoyed his life during WWII or that he likes Pepsi better than Coke; you need give material the supports your actual claim quoted above to convince any of us.


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