I am Morally Superior to God!

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chimp3's picture
Does that mean he hated 6

Does that mean he hated 6 million others?

Nordic Fox's picture
Here here!

Here here!

That's also like the forum post I put up recently, with religion being damaging.... I can't imagine why someone would believe some god would save an old man who's never done much during a heart surgery.... Or save a gangster from a bullet wound to the head...

...when the same god would do nothing to stop the rape/murder of a young girl while her mother watched.... while smoking meth.

Young religious people won't be saved from torture or death (Anne Frank) and yet sadists make it huge to be heroes, world leaders and only are stopped when they kill themselves (Hitler, Himmler, Stalin, etc etc)

Also odd that theists will point to "the big horrid atheists" Stalin, Pol Pot, etc... But if they were right, what god would allow these people into power in the first place if atheists are soooo bad?

Survey says... Either there is no god (likely) or he's really a giant evil screwball himself.

Harry33Truman's picture
G-d is more of a Lassie Faire

G-d is more of a Lassie Faire kind of person, Human issues are human issues for humans to figure out, if a bunch of British people started brutally murdering other British people we would just cite the Monroe Doctrine and let them fix their own problems.

chimp3's picture
Harry Truman: Lassie Faire?

Harry Truman: Lassie Faire?

Does that mean he just ignores the fact that Timmy is in the well?

I love the way theists seem to know so many details about their fantasy sky fairy. Fear makes the imagination run wild.

Dave Matson's picture


We don't have God's supposed powers. It does make a difference! If we did, I suspect we'd put an end to all kinds of evil.

jdrose's picture
A broken clock is right twice

A broken clock is right twice a day. http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=43876 George was thrust into the Nazi crucible His Open Borders Society and the globalists who want to flood the Free world with Muslims for a New World Order and Soros' antipathy for Israel stand on the own demerits.


but of course I am a nut bagger conspiracy theorist and you are "holier than thou" defending a scumbag or humanitarian funding wonderful causes as you may see it. I think attitudes on Soros make a good Roscharch test.

Alex Jones on Soros and NWO in real time --- from hacked Soros emails -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zffbO9kbQqs

Nyarlathotep's picture
Seeker - who want to flood

Seeker - who want to flood the Free world with Muslims for a New World Order


Seeker - but of course I am a nut bagger conspiracy theorist

Yes; from the above quote, your citing of Horowitz and Alex Jones, and your repeating of discredited Glen Beck stories; you sure sound like a conspiracy theorist.

jdrose's picture
In a Time of Universal Deceit

In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act

George Orwell? V. G. Venturini? David Hoffman? Charlotte Despard? Antonio Gramsci? Anonymous? Apocryphal?

Nyarlathotep's picture
In a Time of Universal Deceit

Seeker - In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act

That is a great line. Although it don't have quite the same impact when you use it right after you got caught repeating---then doubling down on---a discredited Glen Beck story.

jdrose's picture
Old Indian proverb. "You can

Old Indian proverb. "You can't wake up somebody who is pretending to sleep". You are like the main stream media, but they get paid for their corruption. "We want nothing to do with the facts Ma'am, we want to spin our lies"

You are part of Zombie Nation or worse.

MCDennis's picture
It is easy to be morally

It is easy to be morally superior to the god of the bible. Here is a simple example: New Commandment: Don't own other human beings as slaves.... ever.

Pitar's picture
When gods were created by a

When gods were created by a few men to control the masses, the first thing the usurpers did was inform people that all of the good in them was given to them by the gods being proposed. This meant they were naturally evil beings and only the gods held the power and grace to save them from themselves. Once people got that part of the doctrine down pat, the rest was easy for both the usurpers and the sheep.

Now, centuries later with all the technological advancements in place that inarguably trace man as a secular lineage along a godless timeline, people have not dispensed with the original stupidities of their chosen ignorance. They still attribute their natural moral and ethical psyches to a god, or gods, without refute. Very few men created a lasting meme that has not lost much of its original false implications and man, still clutching the ignorant component of his being, cannot accept his mortality despite the evidence otherwise.

Morality is a naturally occurring feature of man's psyche which he gladly traded for the notion of immortality.


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