"I L-O-V-E Jesus"...Hmmm...!

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mykcob4's picture
"I L-O-V-E Jesus"...Hmmm...!

On a daily basis I hear, read or in some manner am told (without even asking mind you) that someone loves jesus. In the bible belt, this can sometimes be an hourly event. The whole "I LOVE jesus" thing is just the same act as prayer. It's a show. These people don't "love jesus". They never knew jesus. Hell, they can't even be sure jesus ever existed, and certainly can't prove it.
Now I am pretty certain that "Lennie" from 'Of Mice and Men' never existed but if there was a fictional character to "L-O-V-E" it would certainly be him...he...him...oh, you know what I mean.
Why do christians persist in telling people, that don't even want to know, that they love jesus? I say fine, fuck, go love him over there.
"Not in front of the children! NOT in front of the children...you pervert!"
There are many fictional characters I love. Dr. Dolittle for one. But I don't go galavanting around proclaiming my undying love for that piece of literary genius!
Just like people shun Public Displays of Affection (PDAs) as being inappropriate, I also shun (PDFs) for the same reason. Public Displays of Faith.
Now I could go on even start citing scripture about that prayer is not meant to be a public display, that faith in the christian god is not a badge of honor, that not denying your belief is not the same thing as being obnoxious and shouting it every 5 minutes, that sharing with others and spreading the word is far from just screaming "I L-O-V-E jesus" every 5 minutes. However, I don't actually want to go down that road. evangelicals just don't understand their own bible and just don't believe it. I live near Dallas and the I love jesus thing is WAY out of control. You can see even on this forum how out of control it is. Imagine that only 100 times as much!

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Tin-Man's picture
I'll pray for you, Myk. Oh,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man
Sky Pilot's picture
I agree.
David Killens's picture
Most theists do not
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens,
Dave Matson's picture
David Killens,
mykcob4's picture
Yep, David, I've had a few
Ratburn's picture
One of my friends is a devout
David Killens's picture
I just had an "incident", it
Dave Matson's picture
David Killens,
bigbill's picture
Well I as A Catholic
mykcob4's picture
Oh, horseshit FIG. You have a
Sky Pilot's picture
faith in God fo...
bigbill's picture
well the catholic church now
Tin-Man's picture
That's right, Myk! You
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man
David Killens's picture
@fiG "the father and the
mykcob4's picture
bigbill's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
bigbill's picture
was incorrect on the catholic
Dave Matson's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
If only Yeshua was still
ZeffD's picture
Trying to make sense of
mykcob4's picture

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