I'd like to ask a few general questions about Atheism

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JimTHX's picture
1. I do not believe in any

1. I do not believe in any "supernatural" beings because there is no evidence for such beings.
2. Same as #1
3. Same as #1
4. The total lack of any evidence for the existence of the "supernatural".
5. One of most hideous evil characters in all of fiction!
6. The biblical "god" wastes much too much thought that could be put to better use!
7. When DNA strands join together in sexual reproduction (and to a lesser degree in asexual reproduction) errors occur. If those errors result in a higher probability of reproductive success then the "errors" are carried into the next generation. The collection of these beneficial "errors" results in the gradual changes that as a group are called evolution.
8. I just gave it my best shot in #7.
9. There is no such thing as a "missing link". Evolution is a very gradual process with millions upon millions of transitional forms. We, even today, are not an end but are merely another step in this continuing process.
10. We don't really know exactly, but we can speculate. Perhaps in an ancient ocean a group of molecules randomly got together such that the group somehow chemically gained the ability to reproduce itself. Once this happened it became only a matter of time until evolutionary processes took over. Billions of years is a long time for random combinations to meet the conditions for life.
11. See #10 above. DNA developed from combination of random events and evolutionary processes.
12. Because religious believers insist on imposing their nonsense on how we live through governmental interference. If would just keep to yourselves no one would care.
13. No proof is required! What proof do you require that there aren't leprechauns, fairies and unicorns?

jeleo's picture
I will be brief, since I have

I will be brief, since I have too many things to do today.

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?

I do not believe in any god or gods.

2. What is Atheism by definition?

The lack of belief in one or more gods.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?

This question is patronizing. Please tell your religion teacher I said so.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)

I was born that way, and then was not raised in a religious tradition.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?

I have heard of Jehovah, yes.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?

I know that the myths surrounding Jehovah are no more or less believable than those surrounding Zeus, Thor, Shiva, Morrigan, Huitzilopochteli, or any number of other deities.

In particular, I am glad I do not believe in Jehovah, because he seems like a vindictive, capricious, moody dictator who compels us to love him for fear of eternal torment. This does not strike me as moral.

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
10. How did life start?
11. How do we have DNA?

I could make an attempt at answering these questions, but I won't. While I am an atheist who fully accepts the scientific method, I do not wish to contribute to the conflation of science and atheism. There are theists who also accept the scientific method, and I would suggest you look into the work of Francis Collins and Kenneth Miller.

Oh, and question 8 is also patronizing. You can tell your religion teacher I said that, too.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?

Most atheists don't. They live quiet, unassuming lives, either because they are not interested in the debate or for fear of reprisal or ostracism from their religious neighbors. Those atheists who do protest against religion do so for a number of reasons, mostly to do with the encroachment of religion into government and education.

In short, even if we don't believe gods exist, we know that religions exist.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?

The burden of proof here lies with the person claiming that there is an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being who exists outside of the accepted bounds of time and space.

Or, I could refer you back to answer 6. There are thousands of human religions past and present. Why should I believe that one of those is correct rather than none, when they all have the same evidence behind them?

Johnny Moronic's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
I do not believe in gods or god.
2. What is Atheism by definition?
A lack of belief in gods or god.
3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
Only if they are able to understand “A lack of belief in god or gods.”
4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
We are all born as atheists. Some people tried to brainwash me when I was a child. They did not succeed.
5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
How much time do you have? I was raised Christian and have read the bible three times, cover to cover. I've sat through countless services and sermons. What do I need to know?
7. Can you explain evolution to me?
Wikipedia does a pretty good job for beginners, and it will save a lot of typing for me. If that doesn’t work for you, every library in the free world has a copy of On The Origin Of Species by Charles Darwin.
8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
See above.
9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
Your question contains a fallacious premise and reveals your poor understanding of evolution. Go read those sources and if you understand them well, you will retract question number 9.
10. How did life start?
We have theories, but only theories. (No one was there to take pictures or anything.) This one is pretty recent and fascinating. https://www.quantamagazine.org/20140122-a-new-physics.../ But there are many others.
11. How do we have DNA?
I don’t think I understand the question. How do we have it? The same way we have other molecular structures. I don’t have time to walk you though an entire scientific field of study at the moment. Again, you should find Wikipedia to be at least a very good start. (It’s got lots of references. Read those too.)
12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
Atheists focus on religion for the same reason that oncologists focus on cancer. We are trying to lessen the damage caused by a harmful thing.
13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
What proof do you have that there are no unicorns or dragons? Other than that the supposed holy book of that god contains over 400 contradictions and presents a story line that is complete nonsense, impossible and shown to be inaccurate by science at every turn, I have no proof at all. Non-existent things leave you with nothing with which to prove their non-existence. Can you prove the non-existence of the Brainfartopotamus? Of course not. I just made it up. There's nothing there to prove or disprove.

A New Physics Theory of Life | Quanta Magazine
An MIT physicist has proposed the provocative idea...

CyberLN's picture
Alice, after asking these

Alice, after asking these questions here, how did YOU end up answering them for your assignment?
What answers, according to your teacher are the correct answers?
What is the purpose / goal of this lesson?
What are your thoughts on the answers with which you've provided?
Are you a/theist?

Kevin Rohm's picture
1….. It means I lack a belief

1….. It means I lack a belief in any gods.

2…..That definition would be, “a concept lacking a belief in gods”, or “godless”. It’s in the etymology of the word. It is transliterated from the Greek word “ἄθεος” (atheos), a = without, and theos = god.

3…..I don’t think that there is a more simple definition than “godless”.

4…..Not too personal at all. When I was six I figured out that Santa wasn’t real. It wasn’t that hard to see that “god” was little different from Santa. But being raised in a Christian home inspired me to try to believe, but the more I looked for a reason to believe, the more I was assured that god was as imaginary as Santa, the toothfairy, and the Easter Bunny. I happen to be 59 now, and I’ve never been more lacking in a belief in god than I am now.

5…..Having been raised in a Christian home, of course I do. I probably know the bible better than most Christians and Christian ministers. I’ll even bet that I know things about the bible that your teacher doesn’t know.

6…..Does your teacher know the meaning of the word “redundancy”?

7…..Yes. Evolution is the observable change in heritable traits of biological populations over successive generations. Unlike God, evolution is a fact; facts being those things that can be objectively known to be real by direct observation.

8…..Sure, but first you’ll need to learn what “logic” is.

9…..It’s no longer missing. It was found in the science of genetics, in human chromosome 2. Google it.

10…..At this time we don’t exactly know. However, current evidence suggests that it occurred spontaneously as a chemical means to dissipate heat so as to negate molecular damage in complex carbon molecules. This, however, has NOTHING to do with evolution. A common mistake among the marginally educated.

11…..The answer to that question is highly complex. May I suggest an education in biology.

12…..Religions, especially Christianity and Islam, have a mandate to evangelize to others, and when taken to the extreme, to force others by rule of law, or threat of death, to force their beliefs on others. They have tried to do this by a number ways. They’ve tried to get their religion taught as a “science” in our classrooms. Creationism and Intelligent Design are NOT scientific theories. They are, instead, apologetics. They do not belong in a class where science is taught. They’ve also tried to rewrite American History, by painting our founders as Christians instead of the Deists many of them were, and by claiming that the US is a Christian nation, completely ignoring the body of evidence that shows otherwise. And then there are those who try to legislate their religious beliefs and Christian favoritism into law, in direct violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. So yes…I fight religion because religion is a direct threat to my rights and freedoms as an American citizen.

13…..I require no proof to doubt an unproven extraordinary claim. Just imagine a world where we believed in every extraordinary thing we couldn’t prove didn’t exist. Adults would run around believing in Santa, unicorns, fairies, leprechauns, and every manner of absurd thing. Do you require proof that Santa Clause doesn’t exist?

Kevin Rohm's picture
Oh....one more point I forgot

Oh....one more point I forgot to make. Atheism and science are unrelated. Just because the latter provides support to the former does not mean that the one is part of the other.

PK2015's picture
Thanks for taking the time to

Thanks for taking the time to reach out to the community. I created this account just to respond!

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
I do not affiliate with any religion or belief in supernatural

2. What is Atheism by definition?
Do not believe in the existence of god or gods

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
Does not believe in the existence of any Gods

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
I was exposed to a few religions as a child, nothing really stuck as when you are young you generally do and listen to what your parents/care takers say. Around the 6th grade I listened to a prominent radio personality who matter of fact stated he was an atheist (so I was exposed to the idea). Then one day in class we studied World Religions, it became alarmingly clear that religious dogma was more of a cultural thing based on geological location. That seemed crazy to me.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
I am not too well read on the bible, nor much religious doctrine. It all seems very irrelevant to my life.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
I know that there are many contradictions. I also find it interesting that main stream religion seem to have been rooted around the same time. When sufficient writing and paper was becoming more widespread, one could write down ideas and spread to many people.

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
It’s all about breading and mutations. Human have been doing what’s called “Selective Breading” in the domestication in livestock and agriculture. This is when they bread specific animals or vegetation with specific traits.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
Sure, step one. Three pups are born. Step two, one of the pups has qualities that a deemed to be cuter or more resourceful for humans and is selected to bread. Mutation happens quite regularly and it it happens in nature. Instead of humans selecting who lives or breads "Nature" would.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
There are many things we don’t know for sure… The issue is, if we have a gap in knowledge we don’t jump to the conclusion that there is a “Magical” or “Fantastical” explanation. We assume we don’t know, and one day we will fill in the link.

10. How did life start?
There are many hypothesis’s regarding this, don't know, but it definitely doesn't mean humans should jump to a mystical solution.

11. How do we have DNA?
DNA is a label for something that is in everything.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
People are willing to Die for their God. For someone who thinks “Religion” is not generally relevant to the preservation of life and advancement of mankind it is troubling. It creates divisions amongst cultures. Too many people have died over their beliefs. In America too many people in Power who have effect on the way we live our lives, use Religion to thwart medical advancements, prevent human rights and generally discriminate.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
There are many horrendous things that happen on planet earth every second. A biblical God either Cannot Do Anything, Doesn’t Care or Doesn’t Exists. God not existing is the only logical explanation for me.

Jay Naphas's picture
Hi alice442,

Hi alice442,
You're probably noticing that you get quite a variety of responses when you ask atheists questions. That's because atheists don't have any unifying doctrine, much like "people who don't play soccer" have nothing particularly in common. Here are my versions of answers:

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"? I mean that I have never found compelling evidence of divine or supernatural intervention in the world, including intervention at the beginning of the universe.

2. What is Atheism by definition? It is the absence of belief in god(s).

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand? It can't get much simpler than 2. If elaboration is necessary, atheism is the conclusion that the evidence present in the universe does not indicate a divine presence. This conclusion, like all scientific conclusions, is held tentatively and re-evaluated with each newly discovered piece of relevant evidence.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.) In a word, logic. I found no moral, ethical, or evidence-based way to believe in god(s). I say "no moral or ethical way" because there has never been a god proposed that didn't negate at least one of those two concepts by the definition of god. Epicurus' logic is truly irrefutable:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

5. Do you know about the Biblical God? I'm American, so yes, I've heard of the Biblical god.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God? Entirely too much. I've read the Bible, and found it to be an account of perhaps the most hideous monster ever devised by man. The story of Job alone makes Hannibal Lecter seem like a decent theater companion when compared to God. The character of Jesus seems like a bipolar hippie, expounding on the virtues of forgiveness one minute and cursing trees or animals for their intrinsic natures the next, all the while threatening people for disagreeing with him. That last bit is truly problematic: if he had access to higher learning, as he must if he's anything like divine, he would have been able to present evidence for his ideas. He'd have no cause to recourse to threats; threats are what one uses when one runs out of evidence, if one is a sociopath.

7. Can you explain evolution to me? Evolution is the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators. Every reproduction event, in biology, introduces the potential for mutation; if DNA copied without error, evolution would be impossible. The randomly altered organisms that result from that imperfect replication process then compete with each other for the opportunity to continue replicating. Many die before replicating, and the causes of their deaths are non-random; they ran slowest, for example, or had the worst camouflage, or had an ill-suited immune system.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me? There's nothing that can be "explained" illogically; see 7.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution. Fossil records are by definition incomplete; to have no "missing links" would require a line of fossils of every parent/child pair over millions of years. Nothing depends on the elimination of "missing links." The relevant links in evolution are logical, species-wide changes, such as the development of opposable thumbs or the inter-breeding of African emigrants with Neanderthals and Denisovans (themselves populations that emigrated from Africa in prior migrations, with evolutionary forces acting on them all the time, changing their DNA to suit their environment). I'm 2.4% Neanderthal and 3.1% Denisovan, like all people with ancestors in Europe. You can get your DNA sequenced by National Geographic and see exactly where your ancestors lived and how they migrated over time; that's how I know those precise percentages.

10. How did life start? Experiments in abiogenesis have reproduced all of the essential proteins for life, plus 20, using nothing but heating, cooling, tidal mixing, evaporation, and condensation, and have done that within a single year. The ease with which the building blocks of life can be produced from non-living material suggests that, given sufficient time, life is inevitable on any planet where the aforementioned processes are present. All it takes is a single self-replicating protein to get life started, and we can produce dozens in the lab.

11. How do we have DNA? DNA, at some point in the history of self-replicating molecules, was the replicating technology best suited to survival. Given evolution as described above, that's all it takes. The development of DNA is becoming less mysterious every day.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much? Atheists would actually protest against religion even if there were god(s), because the thought process that is the defining characteristic of religion is intrinsically incapable of converging, let alone converging on truth. If there were god(s), science would not be able to avoid proving that they exist, and those proofs would converge on a unified concept of god(s). Religion doesn't work that way; instead of attempting to disprove an hypothesis, religion proposes an idea and then tries to show that it's true by any means at hand. The difference between those two modes of thought is enormous: the scientific method works like evolution, killing off bad ideas with evidence over time, while religion commits an elementary logical fallacy by assuming what it intends to prove as the basis for the proof.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God? Short version: the present state of our knowledge about the universe. There's no space left for the Biblical God; all the stories are fictions, a fact proved conclusively by Israeli archaeologists, and the universe gives lie to all of the Bible's assertions about the natural world, from Genesis to Revelations. The Genesis story of creation is a myth, so obviously so that it's not worth expanding on that point. In Revelations, one of the signs of the end of time would be the stars falling to Earth and landing "like green figs falling from a tree;" anyone who knows what a "star" is knows that that's a physical impossibility, since every star is many thousands or millions of times the size of Earth. Whoever wrote Revelations didn't know what stars are; the Biblical God would have to have known.

Moreover, again referencing Job, I'm glad that there's no evidence for the Biblical God. If there were any evidence of the Biblical God, it would feel, to me, like waking up in North Korea; it would be an horrific discovery to find ourselves living under the boot and at the whim of a monster who floods planets when people disagree with Him.

Glenn Boyce's picture
1. I do not believe in any

1. I do not believe in any gods, period. That's all it means.
2. see number 1
3. see number 1
4. Random - was trying to figure out iTunes Podcasts in 2012, ran across "The Thinking Atheist", and realized that is what I truly felt about the whole enterprise of religion. Just a "eureka" moment when I put a name on decades of doubt. Honorable Mention to Sam Harris and "The End of Faith" about a decade ago.
5. Spent 40+ years as a Southern Baptist (nominally). Attended church regularly as a kid, very religious family to this day. Yeah, I know a thing or two about Yahweh.
6. See number 5
7. Gradual change in living organisms over time through random mutation and natural selection.
8. see 7 (is there an echo in here?)
9. There is none. This terminology is used by creationists to try to cast doubt on the widely accepted scientific theory of how we came to be.
10. That is still a matter of rigorous scientific research and debate. Evolution does not really address the beginniings of live, only it's change over time.
11. Not truly known, but presumption is the gradual development over time of ever more complex molecular compounds in favorable environmental conditions that eventually yielded something capable of self-replication, i.e., life.
12. Doctor's exist to fight cancer. Reason, science and naturalism exist to combat the cancers of religion and magical/supernatural thinking.
13. Absence of proof, over two millenia, is in my miind some measure of proof of absence. Also, there is no chance that ALL religions are correct - and no real proof that ANY of them are. Why believe in something that abjectly fails to meet its burden of proof? What proof is there that there are no unicorns or bigfoot? Am I to believe in them without evidence?

Simply put, I believe that reason and science are the most successful method for understanding the world around us, and reason cannot provide a firm basis for the existence of anyone's god - thus I reject them all.

I hope that is helpful for you.

Gary Canterbury's picture
Question #:

Question #:

1: Like you, I was BORN an atheist, free of the cult brainwashing and forced indoctrination you were most probably exposed to...hence my mind was FREE of anything concerning the idiocy that is religion; it's dogma, the lunatics which practice it, etc.

2: The state of birth in which there is absolutely no knowledge of religion.

3: Atheists are persons born without the knowledge of religion who managed to, through a strong intellect, ability to reason logically and to accept reality, never accept the idiocy of religion of any form during their vulnerable, younger years of development; and hence, retained their free, unadulterated, unconditioned, non-indoctrinated mind, rejecting the asinine dogma of religion their parents, family and community attempted to force onto them.

4: I was BORN one. When exposed to it at a very early age, I realized it was ludicrous.

5: You mean the one that couldn't control a mere angel? The one which, instead of killing one person, chooses to murder innocents? Oh yeah. He's a complete psychopath.

6: Far more than do you.

7: I can actually show you, but odds are, your religiously-atrophied brain and your cult indoctrination have made you unable to grasp simple scientific method.

8: See above, you dimwit. If I've already explained it, logic was required. The question should be: Lacking in logic, since I'm religious and obviously psychotically-deluded, is it possible for me to grasp the known, easily-proven science of evolution. The answer: No. You're an idiot who believes in flying winged people.

9: The religious. Once you go there, your brain stops evolving and you actually devolve to stupid.

10: Because you're obviously devoid of any scientific knowledge at all, you'll have to be more specific. There are many species and many paths along which evolution stretches far past 6000 years of time. To which were you referring? Unicorns?

11: Google: DNA. Moron.

12: Because it is insidious and because its practitioners are nothing more than cultists born of murderous ancestry, it is one of the greatest evils ever released upon the Earth and responsible for more deaths than any other single factor. Because even now, organizations exist whose sole purpose is to subjugate America and turn this country into a KKKristian Theocracy. The most heinous of these is "The Fellowship." Do some basic research, you putz. Try "Jesus Rifles" or how right-wing radical Evangelicals have made a concerted effort to take over the Chaplaincy of the military or force their way into the various branches of the military. There's tons of reference material out there. Try this new thing called "the interweb."

13: Because there are 5000 other "gods" that complete idiots also believe/believed existed throughout the history of man. In fact, there are currently people on the planet who believe in other gods or singular entities of which they worship. Or, children with cancer, you asshole.

Glenn Boyce's picture


Was this list of questions prepared by your teacher? I'm afraid it does not reflect well on his/her understanding of atheism, and it betrays his/her own Christian biases. Not that I am surprised by that, but do be aware that those biases are driving some of the snarkier responses here.

Stew Baylis-Crisp's picture
1. When I say I am an atheist

1. When I say I am an atheist I mean that I do not have any belief in gods. As far as I'm concerned the word atheist has a meaning which is in the dictionary, stating atheism as being just that.
2. The definition of atheism is "without a belief in God or gods, or having the belief that there is/are no gods" as provided by the dictionary.
3. I don't think I could simplify it any more than its definition.
4. I've never prayed, never been to Sunday school, I guess I was just never indoctrinated into any religious belief system. During religious education at school I asked questions about how things described in the bible were supposed to have happened and never got a convincing reply. I'd say that everyone is born an atheist, but a lot of children are indoctrinated into the belief systems of their parents and grow up simply accepting it.
5. Yes
6. He is the main character in the Christian creation mythology - in that story he is responsible for the creation of our universe. He is somewhat poorly written compared to other mythological gods, and takes many characteristics from older religions/gods. As described in the bible he is a very human character, capable of both love and hate, destruction and creation, but his jealousy and bloodlust mark him out as one of the more bloodthirsty gods, particularly in the old testament. Due to the poor geographical and biological knowledge of the writers of the bible he also tends to make mistakes about animals, germs and the cosmos, but that is to be expected as the bible itself is riddled with contradictions.
7. Evolution is the process whereby through natural selection, organisms adapt to their surroundings through hereditary mutations.
8. Evolution is the process whereby through natural selection, organisms adapt to their surroundings through hereditary mutations.
9. I'll be honest here - I had to look up "missing link in human evolution" as it's a term I haven't heard used in years. Wikipedia explains why that is - apparently it refers to "a pre-evolutionary view of nature". I understand this to mean that while there are plenty of transitional human fossils, some people will always be more interested in a perceived gap (ironically - god of the gaps and all that). But this question has nothing to do with atheism...
10. I have no idea, but this question has nothing to do with atheism.
11. I have no idea, but this question has nothing to do with atheism.
12. You're question generalizes. Very few atheists as a percentage actually protest against religion. Far more of them just go merrily about their business not mentioning it. The ones who do protest do so for many many different reasons. Religion holds an unfair position of power and should not be given special entitlements. All religions preach that they are the true religion, but if any one religion were true then all the others would be false. All people have the right to believe any religion they want, but they do not have the right to force that religion on others, so a full and proper separation of religion and state should be employed. A persons right to freedom FROM religion also helps those who want to follow their religion, as it means all faiths are treated equally.
13. None. There is no way to disprove the unprovable. What is more interesting is watching what happens when people of the same faith try to describe the biblical god - constant arguments over whether or not things he said are irrefutable or just allegories, or whether he was all powerful and all knowing or not (one cannot be both). Just as it is impossible for anyone to disprove god, nor can anyone disprove the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I offer them both the same credence.

PedroLaraSalazar's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
I don't believe in the existence of any god.

2. What is Atheism by definition?
The lack of believe in any god.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
People who don't believe in god or any god of any religion.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
I read the bible, then read other religions respective "bibles" and with logical thinking I got to the resolution that there is the very same evidence of the existence of god than the existence of unicorns. Believing the Bible is true is like believing Harry Potter books are true history.
God and other religion Gods where created in the mind of the authors of those books and all are the same fiction and unreal mental constructions with no existence in the reality.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
I have read the Bible and understand there is a central figure in that book that is called God.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
That is a fiction character of a fiction book called "The Bible", the book is very bad written with a lot of plot faults and contradictions, probably written by many different authors with no logical meaning. The very central character (God) is a hideous character, Richard Dawkins makes a very elegant definition of that God:

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

Many people around the world believes that this character is real, and they praise and fear this imaginary character.

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
It is a concept coined by Charles Darwin, basically each offspring carries little differences from its progenitors, those differences accumulate with the pass of each generation, modifying the species.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
Read 7. and also:
Charles Darwin, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," 1859 - See more at: http://www.darwins-theory-of-evolution.com/#sthash.Z2eo1x3b.dpuf

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
It is an old concept now deprecated by scientists. Basically there are hundreds if not thousands of skeletons of those "missing links", it is no more a missing link, we have proof of human and many other species evolution.

10. How did life start?
Nobody knows.

11. How do we have DNA?
We have DNA shared from our parents. Our parents have DNA thanks to the evolution process, how DNA was created? I think is the bias of this question, nobody knows (and if nobody knows something is not proof that so forth a magical, supernatural being created it, it is just that nobody actually knows, it is a scientific mystery)

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
Religion should be something personal, each individual beliefs, but then religion start to promotes or demotes laws and or scientific research, avoid taxes and make public claims, then religion is no more personal it becomes political, and as any political view, it should be open to criticism and protest, it could be ridiculed or praised by its merits, so far, not much merits and very, very much to criticize and protest against.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
The same proof you have that there is no Dragons, there is no evidence that there is any God, the proof should be provided by the believers in God, they should present proofs to be considered, so far, no proof at all has been presented.

The existence of the universe, the complexity of life and the beauty of a sunset is not proof of God, it is just proof that our brains are capable of complex thinking, awe and inspiration by the natural world.

Again if something is a mystery is not by default proof that therefore a magical creature created it and we just dont understand, look up for the god of the gaps concept.


I hope some of my answers help you in your assignment and also inspire you to look and research more into each of those questions and find your own answers and maybe if your critical thinking is unbiased, you will find that what Jesus says is paradoxically a very real concept: "The truth will set you free".

averymitchell7's picture
I'd like to ask a few general

I'd like to ask a few general questions about Atheism
So I have a few questions about Atheism for a project I'm doing. Can anybody answer any/all of these??? Thanks!!
1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
-Great Question. I don't believe in the existence of a god, period. I lack a religion completely.
2. What is Atheism by definition?
-Absence of a religion.
3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
-I don't believe in god(s)
4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
-I was young, heard what other were telling me. Decided that religion sounded eerily like the Lord of the Rings. Ran with it.
5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
-Like what the bible says? I know enough
6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
-It's just another god is a long list of gods that humans have created in order to explain what they do not understand
7. Can you explain evolution to me?
-You have 2 single cell organisms. One has the trait needed to survive, the other doesn't. The one that doesn't dies, the one that does lives. Fast forward 4 billion years and you have complex organisms that build skyscrapers and shit.
8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
-It happened, and no scientists are not torn on the matter.
9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
-The fucking what? This sounds like some magic loophole around the truth. The human evolutionary timeline is actually fairly well documented.
10. How did life start?
-There is no definitive answer at this time. Most likely organic compounds brought to the planet from asteroids during accretion strung together in the early primordial soup (google this please.) to form early proteins. Eventually this gave rise to primitive life.
11. How do we have DNA?
-I wish I could tell you. It's fascinating isn't it, the beautiful chaos giving rise to order.
12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
-I don't, really. Religion is archaic and will one day die out completely. Science has structures and doesn't base its findings on assumptions, but well documented empirical evidence.
13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
-Well if you want to get super meta-physical about it, then there is none. But there is also no physical proof that there is actually a god. And a lot of scientific discoveries in modern science have proven the idea of a creator mostly irrelevant (evolution, evolution, and evolution). Basically what I'm saying is that there is no proof that the sun-god Ra doesn't exist, so prove to me that he isn't real.

Also evolution happened and has been consistently documented and tested using the scientific method for at least 100 years.

Steven Doolittle's picture
So I have a few questions

So I have a few questions about Atheism for a project I'm doing. Can anybody answer any/all of these??? Thanks!!

Sorry for some of the rude behavior you're getting on here. Far from all of the subscribers on this page are like that.

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
I don't believe any gods exist.

2. What is Atheism by definition?
The lack of belief in any gods

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
I can't imagine that I haven't already done that, lol.:P

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
YouTube videos made by an account known as DarkMatter2525. The more I watched his videos, the more my faith was shaken. I won't go into detail here, as there are many reasons that lead me to stop believing, but he's pretty much debunked nearly every argument for defending God's existence by now. He's been making videos for years.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
I'm not quite sure what you mean. I've read about him; I've heard of him. Does that count? I don't know him personally though.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
This might get a bit offensive... I don't have the time to type everything to answer this, but I'll leave this here. This is a quote from Richard Dawkins: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
The process by which life changes over time via a combination of mutation and natural selection to adapt to its surroundings.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
Uh... not sure what I'm supposed to say here that I didn't say the first time hahaha. If you're asking how it works, this video may prove to be useful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOfRN0KihOU (again, if it doesn't work, just go ahead and copy it into an address bar).

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution. ...Which one? It's a slow enough process that in order for us to have found every single link, each skeleton would have to be about a milometer or so (probably smaller, I'm not expert) different from the previous one. I doubt we'll ever find all of that. At least, not soon.

10. How did life start? No one's quite sure yet, but the theories here are too long for me to want to explain, as I'm a busy guy. Google is your friend I guess, lol.

11. How do we have DNA?

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much? I'll leave this here. If the link doesn't work, please copy and paste it into another tab instead. https://alwaysquestionauthority.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/941478_54544...

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
Well, there are mountains of evidence supporting evolution, and nearly every story in the Bible has at least a few plot holes (If you're curious, don't be shy to ask me about them). As for the nonexistence of any god at all, no one can prove that. Nobody. NOBAHDEH!! But until there's proof for the existence of any gods, there's no reason to believe in them as far as I'm concerned.

Steven Doolittle's picture
I seem to have made some

I seem to have made some mistakes in consistency with the setup of my comment, my apologies. I also for 11.
How? Well... because we're living creatures, lol. I'm not sure how to answer it really; the question seems a bit malformed. Asking why may be more useful.

Ellen McKenzie-Wills's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"? I do not believe in any god(s)
2. What is Atheism by definition? The lack of belief in a god
3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand? Number 2, was pretty simple as is...
4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? Nothing "compelled" me, I did not feel i had to conform to Atheism, nor was i influenced or ushered into it. I simply had a curious mind from a young age and thought the idea of a god was simply preposterous. I knew I was not religious by the age of 4.
5. Do you know about the Biblical God? Yes, I study Classical studies which and the Roman Empire saw the rise of Christianity
6. What do you know of the Biblical God? Are you expecting a bullet pointed list of facts I know about "God", get real.
7. Can you explain evolution to me? If you are above the age of 13, then I assume you have done biology of some sort and would have at least a small amount of knowledge on natural selection. It is when the a genetic code in the DNA creates a specific trait (visible or physical) and that trait could either be beneficiary to the species or not, and through a process of natural selection the species will adapt to the better genetic code as the best animals will breed with eachother. (I THINK, i havent done biology in a few years)
8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me? I JUST DID
9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution. At this point I am beginning to assume you have the mental capacity of a five year old.... OKAY so take apes and humans for example... They both came from the same ancestor. Apes are not human ancestors! They both had a common ancestor though and that is why they share huge similarities. As to why there maybe missing links in apes or humans from their each prospective journey of evolution from their ancestor. PLEASE REFER TO NUMBER 7.
10. How did life start? Is this a joke?
11. How do we have DNA? Take a science class perhaps?
12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much? Because a vast majority of those believing in religion are blindsided by the true issues facing our society, and you are all just waiting for the earth to be clensed.
13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God? What proof do you have that there is one either? Proof is only circumstancial.

Religion is a refuge for the weakminded.

Yours truly, a 16 year old girl with more common sense than you, when I was only 5 :)

greyrat's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"? I find no compelling evidence for the existence of any deity or other supernatural beings or processes.

2. What is Atheism by definition? http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Atheism?s=t

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand? http://www.wordcentral.com/cgi-bin/student?book=Student&va=atheism

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.) Actually reading holy books such as the Bible and Qu'ran and noting that they are full of hate, misogyny, murder, and genocide; and noting the discrepancies and contradictions within the books themselves.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God? Yes.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God? Probably more than you ever will.

7. Can you explain evolution to me? Yes. But you want a clean and accurate explanation and should enroll in a science class on evolution. These two appear to be free:

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me? Can you LOGICALLY explain the existence of a deity to me?

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution. There is no missing link. Once again, you need to take some science classes. Every fossil is a link backward. See this for a more detailed explanation:

10. How did life start? I don't know. No one knows for sure. Here is a bunch of reading material for you:

11. How do we have DNA? Because that's the way life works. The answer will be covered by the links above. DNA is a pretty simple concept overall, you just need to learn about it.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much? Because religion is used for horrible things such as murdering people, starting wars, subjugating women, enslaving people, and stealing peoples livelihoods. I don't know about other people, but I know that I protest anything that is harmful or destructive.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God? It is a logical fallacy to demand the proof of a negative. But just for fun, ponder this proof of a negative. What proof do you have that there are no other gods besides the biblical god? And before you answer, a word of caution: The biblical god himself actually refers to other gods.

Zack Martin's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
Ya' know how people feel about Zeus? I feel that way about every god. Including yours.

2. What is Atheism by definition?
A lack of belief in supernatural deities.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
The definition of atheism isn't complicated.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
I was trying to become a better christian. 1 Peter 3:15 commands christians to be prepared to give an answer for the hope within them. So I started researching the origins of christianity and the bible. I discovered that the bible was constructed by a committee more than 300 years after Jesus is said to have existed and there are zero original manuscripts from that time. I discovered that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John weren't written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. Eventually I realized that I simply couldn't believe it anymore.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
Yes. I was a christian for about 18 years.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
His original plan was watch two nudists hang out in a garden, but a talking snake convinced a rib-woman to eat a magic apple and everything went to shit. In order to fix this he flooded the whole earth, but that didn't work either. So then he impregnated a virgin with himself so that he could sacrifice himself to himself to save humans from the rules that he himself established.

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
You look different than your parents, your parents look different from their parents. These changes are called mutations. Small mutations add up to large changes over many generations.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
The general idea of evolution isn't complicated. If you don't understand it, it's because you haven't tried.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
There isn't one.

10. How did life start?
We don't know yet.

11. How do we have DNA?
This question doesn't even make sense, but that's not even it's biggest problem. Do you realize that evolution and the origin of life have absolutely nothing to do with atheism? Even if evolution were proven to be completely false, we would still be atheists.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
Because you don't live in a vacuum. Your actions and decisions have an impact on our lives. Because you vote. Because I'm tired of seeing headlines about some child dying of a treatable illness because their parent's thought they could pray their kid back to health. Because religion has a habit of standing in the way of progress. Because my state's constitution actually says that I can't run for public office unless I believe in a god. Because I don't want to live in a world where people believe something just because it was written down a long time ago. But first and foremost... Because religion is bullshit, and I can't stand bullshit.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
You are claiming that a god exists, the burden of proof is on you. I'm not claiming that your god doesn't exist. I simply don't believe you when you say that he does. There's a difference. Where is your proof that Zeus doesn't exist?

Igor Kusin's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by “I am an Atheist”?
I am a normal, natural person, like anyone at the moment of its birth (concerning beliefs). I do not accept explanations of the type ignotum per ignotius (or, if you prefer, obscurum per obscurius). It’s not shameful not to know something, but it is shameful not being able to admit of not knowing something.

2. What is Atheism by definition?
A normal state of the human being. Like being bipedal. As there is no specific term for a person that has no three legs (“atripedal”?), so there can be no term for a person that does not believe.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
Just being human.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
Most of all the hypocrisy of the clergy. Christianity as they practice it is a religion of hatred, punishment and inflicting pain unto other. Then also the fact that religion has no answers and that nothing it says can be proved (and/or disproved).

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
Of, course, knowledge of it is the best way to become a so-called atheist.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
That he is the same as any other deity, vain, egocentric, resentful, mean, obsessed with sex with young women, preferably virgins. If it existed, it would be diagnosed with the most severe case of manic depression / paranoia and would probably be closed into an institution for life.

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
Sure, living beings co-exist, and those who prove to be most skilful in gathering food and conquering the opposite sex have (more) progeny and deliver more DNA-material to the next generation that those that do not.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
Sure, living beings co-exist, and those who prove to be most skilful in gathering food and conquering the opposite sex have (more) progeny and deliver more DNA-material to the next generation that those that do not.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
As there is an infinite number of numbers between any two numbers, there is always a missing link between any two fossil records that we do possess. People who insist on missing links would not be satisfied even if fossils of a representative of each consecutive generation would be found. There are enough findings to follow the story of human evolution and to interpolate the missing links. The more we find, the less missing links there would be.

10. How did life start?
You better read some of the scientific literature on the topic, they are better at explaining it than me.

11. How do we have DNA?
This one is easy, we inherit it from our parents.
Counter-question: If Jesus had no human father, where did his Y-chromosome come from?

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
I never heard any so-called atheist protest against religion, only against misdoing of individuals and organisations who might or might not belong to a religion.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
The some anatheists have that there is no Pinocchio, Gandalf or Jupiter.
The burden of proof is always on the person who claims that something exists.

UberCryxic's picture
I agree with others in this

I agree with others in this thread who have made the observation that the OP was rude, tendentious, and condescending in her line of questioning. We weren't born yesterday; it's easy to tell when people are genuinely interested in a particular subject and when they're trying to inflame tensions. For my part, I refuse to feed the troll.

mysticrose's picture
There is no biblical or

There is no biblical or mythological god because they are all products of human's vast imagination.

Marilia Coutinho's picture
Dear members of this

Dear members of this community,

This is, again, a set of rhetorical questions. There is no project. This is just an attempt to generate the usual logical fallacies in false debates. I am sorry, but we shouldn't pick up this sort of bait.

Moynul Islam Tanmoy's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
Ans: I am an Atheist it it doesn't have any co-relation towards my religious belief. Its just a phenomena which could be perfectly prescribed how a person suffers from his social misunderstanding, norms , prejudice which ultimately ends to lose faith to a particular religion for some person.

Most importantly, "I am an Atheist" not to prove my core material at a stake rather my condition how i fight towards my entire life with my stubbornness to prove other things wrong.

2. What is Atheism by definition?
Ans: Lack of belief in the existence of god or goddess by definition. But to me it's a way of life where every lie is a competition.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
Ans: It's can not be simplified. Cause simple people can't effort atheism.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
Ans: My surroundings. I am a non atheist. But i feel free to be it whenever i found something non-logical indoctrination try to catch me.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
Ans: yes, I do.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
Ans: He has promised an end to death, sorrow, and pain. It's in the Bible, Revelation 21:4, NKJV. "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
Ans: Simple, differentiate your face today to tomorrow. there will be some change genetically. If not, read Charles Darwin critical analysis.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
Ans: It can not be logically explainable. Its a movement towards the origin of life & the lifetime of a human embodiment.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
Ans: Its like finding a new element in periodic table. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. How can that take part in human evolution. But as far as i know scientist don't accept this as per their policy that it is per-evolution view of nature.

10. How did life start?
Ans: By the exquisite will of god.

11. How do we have DNA?
Ans: Genetically.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
Ans: Because they misdiagnose the term to put all the emphasis of it to in a wrath. Most of their view is whatever you believe is thousand years back bloodbath & nothing good is their to believe. But eventually they believe the controversial part & put a display of it to wash it all the good things away. Irony isn't it, they don't seem to believe anything but at the same time believe that there is no religious god.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
Ans: There is only one God, that's it, no more, no less.

If yourself called a atheist because of just lacking belief in religion then I am proudly represented myself as a
(Non-Atheist Point of view).

Have fun.


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Kevin Rohm's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
I lack a belief in gods....any of them.

2. What is Atheism by definition?
Atheism is a word transliterated from the Greek word for "godless". It means nothing more or less than that.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
What part of "godless" is so hard to understand?

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist?
I wasn't compelled to become one. The lack of any evidence for the existence of god failed to compel me to become a theist.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
Of course I do. I was raised in a Christian home, by Christian parents. I've read the Bible. I attended seminary.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
Everything that can be known.

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
Evolution is change over time. The Theory of evolution is about genetic drift in populations over time and generations, selected by environmental forces, causing the vast genetic diversity of species we find today.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
Yes. Do you have a year for me to explain it to you logically? There are literally millions of facts that support the scientific explanation for evolution by natural selection and none that do not support it. It would take at least a year to review the most important of these to show you how they logically lead us to that singular conclusion that evolution by natural selection is what caused the diversity of life.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
There is none. The best evidence we have today for human evolution comes from the genetic study of human DNA, and especially Human Chromosome 2.

10. How did life start?
That's abiogenesis, not evolution. Everything is made of molecules. Some molecules are self-replicating. We call those "life."

11. How do we have DNA?
DNA is a self-replicating molecule that is the foundational molecule of all living things.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
Because religious people try to force their religion on others, by inserting their religion into the classroom in the guise of science or history, and into legislation. If religious people did not try to do this there would be no need to protest against them.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
The absence of any proof that gods exist. You see, things that exist produce proof of that existence. Things that don't exist don't produce proof they do. Thus an absence of proof suggests an absence of the thing to be proven. There is no proof that leprechauns don't exist, but that doesn't stop me from believing they don't. Gods are no different than leprechauns.

CyberLN's picture
Fear gawd sakes, Alice - the

Fear gawd sakes, Alice - the OP, hasn't logged on in two years. Why are you answering her?

Dragon reborn's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?

I don't believe in any deities as described and or worshipped by humanity.

2. What is Atheism by definition?

Non belief in Gods.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
It's simple really, if you don't understand you're being obtuse.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)

Not compelled, but science and history, logic and the realization that prayer was talking to myself.

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?

Yes, to ask this, in most cases is presumptuous, it's an implication that only through ignorance would one reject the myth of Adonai, Elohim, Yahweh, etc..

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
The nonsense contained in the Bible

7. Can you explain evolution to me?

Yes, tho it's likely pointless if you've preconceived conclusions.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?

Everything changes. Life is change. Those that adapt continue to live and change. This that don't die.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.

Fallacious question. Depending on your definition of human, as modern homo sapiens, or the many documented antecedents? Taken as a whole there isn't really any "missing link"

10. How did life start?

No one knows for certain. There are compelling theoretical evidences for abiogenesis, tho no concrete proof. And no, we cannot recreate it. We haven't been able, as of yet, to recreate self sustained fusion either, but look at the sun. Just because we cannot yet do it, doesn't mean it's impossible or that we never will.

11. How do we have DNA?

Because that's the chemical base for life's construction. Passed hereditarily.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?

They don't. They protest the encroachment of mythology into science, government, and the lives of the non delusional.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?

The Bible, for one. (Leaving aside that you have no proof that there is any God, much less the biblical God.) The idea that this all important message from this all powerful and loving creator would come in the form of a jumbled collection of contradictory writings of dubious origin and veracity is pathetic at best. It isn't cohesive with history, science, logic, or even basic human decency. Tho there are some few bright spots, love thy neighbor, do unto others, let he without sin cast the first stone, these are largely ignored by "Christians". They seem much more concerned with cherry picked Leviticus. If historical and modern Christians were universally peaceful, pacifistic, and accepting, truly "judge not" people then their claims to morality and truth would perhaps hold water. In reality, en masse, they are a sieve. I assert that there are very few Christians in the world. Many are there that claim Christ, few that follow.

Dean Hardage's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
When I say it, I'm saying I have no belief in any deity or supernatural being.
2. What is Atheism by definition?
A lack of belief in any god or gods.
3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
See number 2.
4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
A realization that most of what I'd been taught as a child was demonstrably untrue.
5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
I know what I was taught in Church and what I have learned on my own.
6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
See number 5
7. Can you explain evolution to me?
Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive .... thing as a species and proposed that each species could be defined by the features that perpetuated themselves generation after generation.
8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
See number 7. That's as logical as it gets.
9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
Fallacy. No such thing.
10. How did life start?
We don't know for sure yet.
11. How do we have DNA?
We're made of it.
12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
Because people who do believe in it constantly seek to force their beliefs onto others.
13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
What proof do you have that there is? By proof I mean hard, testable, independently verifiable fact. When you assert existence of something the burden is on you to demonstrate your assertion is valid. If I told you there was an invisible leprechaun living under an invisible toadstool in my back yard and that he would grant wishes if you begged him just right, would you automatically believe me or would you demand actual evidence? That's where I stand with ANY assertion of supernatural existence. As they say in Missouri, show me.

It sounds like you're trying to start some kind of conflict by asking these questions. If you have some actual desire to understand, I'd recommend you don't use such tactics.

mykcob4's picture

1) Atheist means that I do not believe in a god. BTW "atheist" is just a term that theist made up when they made up their god.
2) A disbelief in any god or gods. a·the·ist
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
"he is a committed atheist"
synonyms: nonbeliever, disbeliever, unbeliever, skeptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, agnostic; nihilist
"why is it often assumed that a man of science is probably an atheist?"
3) See 2
4) No one can find ANY empirical evidence of a god or gods, and never has.
5) Yes as has ever single Atheist I have ever met.
6) Everything more than most christians.
7) ev·o·lu·tion
the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
synonyms: Darwinism, natural selection
"his interest in evolution"
the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
"the forms of written languages undergo constant evolution"
synonyms: development, advancement, growth, rise, progress, expansion, unfolding; More
8) The tone of this question is just insulting question asked and answered. If you can't understand logic, don't ask for a logical answer.
9) http://www.livescience.com/32530-what-is-the-missing-link.html
There are many "creationist" sites about this but they are all propaganda and pseudo-science. They are not fact.
10) No one knows for sure so it is illogical to assume a god created life. Life on earth started by excitation of amino acids. Lightening striking a pond and exciting amino acids.
11) Stupid question you need to rethink it and rephrase it.
12) You assume that atheist protest against religion. That is a wrong assumption. Not believing in a myth is NOT a protest! The protest comes from YOU and people like YOU that FORCE your religion on us.
13) There is no need to PROVE that there is not a god. The responsibility is for YOU to PROVE a god. It is illogical to disprove anything or prove a negative. YOU made up your god, I don't believe you, so YOU have the onus to prove YOUR claim.
When I say prove, I mean, provide substantiated evidence, empirical evidence, independently verified, corroborated by independent means, peer reviewed, tested and retested by independent means. I don't mean, hearsay, reference to a bible (that has been politically edited and altered, eyewitness testimony that is not and cannot be verified, personal accounts (that are just imaginations verbalized, like near death experiences).

MoonBalloon's picture
1. What exactly do you mean

1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
I have recognized that I sincerely have no belief in any god or gods. (Definition by Barry Hampe).

2. What is Atheism by definition?
Atheists are people who have recognized that they sincerely have no belief in any god or gods.

3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
See 2.

4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
It was a cumulative process for me. Anthropological roots of various religions are the same, gods are suspiciously hard to find, stories are simply unbelievable for anyone over the age of 6 ...

---- Here this questionnaire stops being about atheism ----

5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
Yes, I do.

6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
I know what the Bible says about him, I know what my family taught me about him, I generally understand the Catholic view of the Biblical God.

7. Can you explain evolution to me?
I could try. I'm not qualified to teach evolution or any other scientific concept. It is a theory which combines the available evidence about the history of life on our planet.

8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
You can't have a baby if you die young. You die young if you're not adapted to the environment. Generally, more adapted individuals can have more babies. Babies inherit certain traits from their parents. Generations are comprised of more and more adapted individuals.

9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
A missing link in human evolution are our ancestors that comprise different species. As most stuff is basically unobtainable after thousands of years of resting in the ground, there are not many fossils. It is unreasonable to expect the discovery of a fossil of every single species that ever lived. You can always claim there's a missing link. But you also don't have to find every single skeleton to reveal a solid picture of human evolution.

10. How did life start?
I don't know, and that's the best answer you'll get from 99% of the world population. The other 1% are not priests, but people who actually work on that and have some feasible ideas.

11. How do we have DNA?
I'm not a biologist, neither a chemist. I don't know how do we have DNA, I don't even know how we have legs. Priests don't know either, but they still have all the answers.

12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
Religion is not god. I don't protest against god, I don't protest about personal religious practices. But when religions impact politics, economy, public safety ... I feel I'm allowed to express my opinion. It has nothing to do with believing in a god.

13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?
You can't pump millions of animals on a boat. It is impossible to walk on water. It is impossible to raise from death. If we talked about literally anything else (besides maybe superheroes - which is a meaningful exception), that would be proof enough. I don't know why ancient characters should be the above the ordinary standard.


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