If "God" is so powerful...

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Alembé's picture
If "God" is so powerful...

If "God" is so powerful and the faith of Christians is so strong, why are State legislatures tripping over themselves to pass these discrimonatory religious freedom bills? Say what you will, these are the actions of insecure people running scared.

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CyberLN's picture
It would be fun to move to

It would be fun to move to Indiana, open up a shop, and refuse service to anyone who is not a pastafarian.

ImFree's picture
How dare they not acknowledge

How dare they not acknowledge the Holy Strainer!!!!

Capt.Bobfm's picture
Especially at an Italian

Especially at an Italian restaurant.

ThePragmatic's picture
LoL :)

LoL :)

CyberLN's picture
10 points, Bob!

10 points, Bob!

Travis Hedglin's picture
Because they value free will

Because they value free will so much they connive to take it away.

cmallen's picture
Or a comic store that only

Or a comic store that only sells Batman and Batman-related products. BATMANIACS ONLY.

Travis Hedglin's picture
Hurry, Robin, to the Batstore

Hurry, Robin, to the Batstore! We didn't by enough Batpaper and I need to wipe!

cmallen's picture
What? You can't do that!

What? You can't do that! Batpaper is a holy relic.

ThePragmatic's picture

Do I sense a splitting into separate denominations of Batmanianism?

Nyarlathotep's picture
only thing worse than a non

only thing worse than a non-believer is a splitter!

cmallen's picture
Batmaniacs acknowledge and

Batmaniacs acknowledge and respect the old covenant of the Caped Crusader. But we actually follow The Dark Knight, who is the son of Batman, though he is also Batman. The prophet Tim Burton fortold the Dark Knight's coming, but unfortunately his teachings were corrupted and commercialized into a parody of the one true Bat. They are basically like our Mormons.

ThePragmatic's picture
Well I believe in The Bat man

Well I believe in The Bat man, and I would follow any command by The Dark Knight without hesitation. I'm also sure that Christian Bale is the one true Bat and I am convinced that Ben Affleck is a false prophet.

cmallen's picture
Ben Affleck is the Anti-Bat.

Ben Affleck is the Anti-Bat. His rise to power was foretold in a rare edition comic of which no original copies are known to exist.

ThePragmatic's picture
I knew it!

I knew it!
Thanks for reaffirming my faith in a completely unfounded and irrational delusion.
I will of course teach my children this and tell them that anyone who does not believe in the one true Bat are liars and tempting Jokers. And also that our belief in the Bat, is even more important than love for our own family members. Disbelievers deserve to be beaten and disowned.

cmallen's picture
Disbelievers rot forever in

Disbelievers rot forever in Arkham Asylum. Believers get to spend eternity in Wayne Manor. Make sure your kids make the right choice.

Ilovequestions's picture
Tolerance is rampant these

Tolerance is rampant these days, I see :)

mysticrose's picture
Those crazy religious bills

Those crazy religious bills are exceeded their way to foolishness. I hope the governments will be mature enough to decide which bills to pass and and which should not.

HomunculusThor's picture

No, no, no, no, no!
Don't you see that it is Batmanism, seeing that "Batmanianism" stresses the mania and fanaticism of the pseudo-Batmanists. Only the Batmanists shall be saved, and all the Batmaniacs shall be cast into Gehenna to burn until consumed.


cmallen's picture
No we won't, we'll be the

No we won't, we'll be the only ones laughing when we meet Alfred at the Bat Gates.

HomunculusThor's picture
I'm sorry to inform you, my

I'm sorry to inform you, my brother, but Alfred (whose gambling problem was known to but a few of his half-a-lifetime-ago buddies) was forced to stop breathing by an intruder last night.
The murderer is thought to be a loan collector who, being unable to acquire what he came for, became angry, as his valuable time was being wasted: and so it is believed that he (we believe it was a he from the size of the hand impression left in the smother-pillow) stole the breath of Alfred instead, in order to assuage his inborn greed.
They are working round the clock on the case right now, but the few scraps of evidence point toward an internal Batmanian hit. The officials can find no links to an member of the true Batmanism.

[p.s., on the personal tip: Is that you in the pic, and if so, then from branch of military, and stationed whereabouts?] > If my curiosity has transgressed your personal simply tell me that the answers to my questions are none of my business. I just think you look really cool with all those kids about.


HomunculusThor's picture
correction to last paragraph:

correction to last paragraph: ^ then from what branch of the military...

cmallen's picture
Army - Military Police. This

Army - Military Police. This was in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. I was checking out a site for a new Afghan National Police sub-station and we had a freelance reporter/photographer with us who snapped this pic. I had just fixed this kid's bike and I was wondering what he was saying to all the other kids; and I was wondering which one of them might be wearing an IED belt that was about to turn me into aerosolized infidel. At the time I thought a god must have been watching over me. A nice return back to the subject of this thread is: I was soon to find that there is no benevolent, omnipotent being on the battlefield, except maybe a Valkyrie or two.

HomunculusThor's picture
I won't take up space on this

I won't take up space on this thread, Mr. Allen. But I'm really interested to hear your experiential take on God, or no God, and being in the military police, and halfway around the world where anything can happen and usually does.
So can we start a new thread? Or are you writing a book? Or can you refer me to a/your website? etc...

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