If Reality is Your God Are You Still a Theist?

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Afoltin's picture
If Reality is Your God Are You Still a Theist?

Hi. I am a Panentheist New Ager and I was wondering: If Reality is your God can you still be called a Theist?

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Sky Pilot's picture
TheLogician, What is real?
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
The Logician: "If Reality is
Cognostic's picture
We have already been through
Sapporo's picture
For me, a god has a
toto974's picture
It could maybe have
David Killens's picture
Reality is not my god. I do
CyberLN's picture
Define ‘god’.
xenoview's picture
Sheldon's picture
That just sounds like
turning_left's picture
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
Isn't the answer in the name?
JazzTheist's picture
Of course not. Well, at least
Cognostic's picture
FFS: I wish you would read a
JazzTheist's picture
The definition that I’ve
xenoview's picture
JazzTheist's picture
Firstly, I'm talking about a
turning_left's picture
"Pantheism: God and the
JazzTheist's picture
False analogy. God, by
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
@ JazzTheist
JazzTheist's picture
''Now prove this is no less
arakish's picture
And you say your Sky Faerie,
JazzTheist's picture
When did I claim that any of
arakish's picture
They are the satirical
JazzTheist's picture
Straw man and non sequitor.
arakish's picture
No straw man. No non
turning_left's picture
Convenient that you define
JazzTheist's picture
All I was saying that '
turning_left's picture
This seems a serious stretch


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