God couldn't think of a better way to forgive the sin of Adam (who never existed) than to have his son (aka himself) executed.
- Richard Dawkins
Quote Source: Richard Dawkins on Twitter
God couldn't think of a better way to forgive the sin of Adam (who never existed) than to have his son (aka himself) executed.
- Richard Dawkins
Quote Source: Richard Dawkins on Twitter
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Leave it to an Atheist to make more sense out of the bible than any Christian I've ever heard speak. I like this one :)
So true! He basically put a knife to Adam's (mankind's) throat. It's so backwards that we turn the blame to ourselves and look at this figure as a father when we would consider this a horrible method of parenting in our world.
Not quite sure I am getting this one, so god had to kill himself to forgive the son of man?
The reason he makes more sense than the Christians do, is because he can look at the Bible with an open mind and realize that what's there, really isn't. It's all just smoke and mirrors.
I definitely had to start reading the bible again after deciding I did not believe in it a child.
Hahaha.... SO true I still don't understand why Christians still the ridiculousness in God sending himself to earth so he can get executed(the proclaimed ultimate sacrifice which isn't really a sacrifice since he knew he was going to come back) just so he can forgive a sin that one man committed by eating a fruit, which that sin was passed down to generations.. Which could even blamed on God because he knew Adam(who never existed) was going to eat the fruit and did nothing about it...... Makes no sense