If you are atheist, how do you interact with your religious friends?

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hwi2's picture
If you are atheist, how do you interact with your religious friends?

My friends, I have a friend who is a born-again Christian. He is a nice guy, but boy is he annoying. I respect Christians for what they believe in, but please do not shove your religious beliefs down my throat. To the born-again Christians: Please respect my way of life and my beliefs. Just because we do not believe in religion, God, the messiah, etc, it does not mean that we can't be good friends. Let's just go to a football game and enjoy life as friends. Need I say more?

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catandmouse's picture
Its true that people have an
mattyn's picture
And that really bothers me as
Zaphod's picture
I know the feeling and have
SammyShazaam's picture
I know, it bothers me too!
Serjaydee's picture
I know the feeling. Whenever
atheister's picture
I would tell him or her in
catandmouse's picture
Its Hard to change peoples
Mirta's picture
I've got a colleague that is
dtommy79's picture
You know, sometimes it
mattyn's picture
You are right, it can
Mirta's picture
Yes, I'm agree.It's not a
rider's picture
I'm not an atheist, but back
SammyShazaam's picture
I do agree that you don't
mysticrose's picture
I have atheist friends out
Bryan Leow's picture
I personally have no problem
Zaphod's picture
I agree with Sammy above, but
efpierce's picture
The "born again" people are
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm pretty sure that is
ginamoon's picture
I also know that feeling when
Zaphod's picture
Interesting this must mean
ginamoon's picture
I am just not sure if they
mysticrose's picture
Sometimes we just want a
SammyShazaam's picture
I hear what you're saying
Zaphod's picture
I tend to beat dead horses as
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol, no I didn't forget
ginamoon's picture
I believe that all are
SammyShazaam's picture
That's pretty much why I
mattyn's picture
That's a very good point,
Zaphod's picture
Wow, that a very good point!
mattyn's picture
I tell you Zaph, Sammy has an


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