An Interesting Graph

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arakish's picture
An Interesting Graph

Now I can see why I had such a hard time until the last ten+ years. I have never looked for any graphs like this. I always knew our numbers were small, just not that small. Us atheists were such a small minority. Just going by the graph for 1986, I can only imagine how small the numbers were in 1976, 1966. No wonder those damned Christians were abe to get away with so much torture, violence, abuse, rape, and molestation, until the mid-1980s. Who is going to believe that one in a million child? Especially, a godless heathen child?

Of course, one must always be careful reading such graphics. However, considering the amount of violence, molestation, discrimination, and persecution I have suffered for over forty years, until the new millenium started, I tend to know the graphic above is largely true, if not completely true.

I mean, it is only in the last maybe 10-12 years, I have had some freedom to state the fact that I have been an atheist and anti-theist my entire life (excepting my family). Before then, I always had to check "other" when asked what religion I held, and left the line blank.

That line would always look, thus: [X] Other:_________________________.

After I had filled it out as far as I was going to.

Yet, us dumb ass Americans still have a long way to go. The church still has too much power. Too much money. But it is also loosing. And that is why the church and its most staunchest supporters have become so militant and violent. They realize the only method they have left is the instilling of FEAR into others through violence and hatred (Eternity in Hell). They are getting to the point they have no other alternative but to follow the biblical verses of crying (whiney-ass pleas) and gnashing of teeth (fighting tooth and nail). But mostly fighting tooth and nail.

And as George Carlin said, and I paraphrase: "For an omniscient — all-knowing — entity, God is a pretty poor accountant."


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Sapporo's picture
According to the figures from
LogicFTW's picture
It all paints a very bleak
Anonymous's picture
"Recovering Ex-Christians"
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
One thing to keep in mind, is
Cognostic's picture
I would agree with Mutorc and
Anonymous's picture
I agree with that absolutely.
LogicFTW's picture
@Magnificent Beast
Anonymous's picture
(continuing Logic's last
arakish's picture
Loved all the posts. I
LogicFTW's picture
@Thread and arakish

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