jameswatts is more moral than his god

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Ellie Harris's picture
jameswatts is more moral than his god

Jameswatts' god doesn't wish to come down and use it's omniscient and omnipotent power to plainly make it's existence true to all of us heathens, yet will still condemn us to an infinite punishment for a finite crime of lack of belief. Yet jameswatts tries to get us to push us away from this unjust punishment. Even if his sky daddy existed, how could one bow to it if jameswatts is even more moral than it?

Thanks jameswatts for giving me a reminder of how sick you gawwd is.

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DesolateProphet's picture
He’s your typical Evangelical
clark21's picture
I think the best thing we
CyberLN's picture
Looks like someone is
Ellie Harris's picture
Soccergu and his sock puppet
CyberLN's picture
Ah, I thought he had deleted
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol @ sky daddy :)
AstroNila's picture
Take advantage of the casino

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