Jesus is a child molestor

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Up To My Neck's picture
Jesus is a child molestor

You will never believe what I saw today! A local baptist church near my home updated their sign out front in advance of their homecoming event this weekend. It said.....
Meet me at my house Sunday
and bring your children
I about shit when I read this. I despise their “clever” sayings they always flaunt for the rest of us to see. If you believe that shit already, the sign is worthless. If you are on the fence, I hope it takes a little more convincing than that bullshit. If you are an atheist, it wreaks of utter nonsense. Bunch of religious goobersmoochers!

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Cognostic's picture
@Pirate Jack: Isn't it a
Up To My Neck's picture
The line about “bring your
Randomhero1982's picture
*Turns up to the church*
Cognostic's picture
You know. Jesus did have a
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog
David Killens's picture
Are angels twinks?
Cognostic's picture
@Old man shouts ...: There
David Killens's picture
Let us examine his jesus
Cognostic's picture
@David Killens: On the other

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