Jesus loves the little children all the little children of the world

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Anonymous's picture
Jesus loves the little children all the little children of the world

Jesus is love. Jesus is peace. Jesus is salvation. Jesus is paradise. Jesus is being happy. Jesus makes me smile. Jesus is my savior. Jesus is wonderful. Jesus is Lord. Jesus loves the little children all the little children of the world.

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LoisKobb1964's picture
He seems to love brown

He seems to love brown children a lot less than pale children, though.

Travis Hedglin's picture
He also appears to love alter

He also appears to love alter boys a little too much...

Nyarlathotep's picture
What a interesting site. It

What a interesting site. It is literally a road map of insanity: Everything from the Pope being the anti-christ, to 9/11 NWO conspiracy theories. Somebody went off their medication again!

Here are some funny snippets I saw from a page chosen more or less at random -

"Atheism: ... the belief that in the beginning there was nothing ..
and then for no reason nothing happened to nothing and magically caused nothing to explode into everything ... and then a bunch of everything for no reason whatsoever decided to rearrange itself into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs"

Link to the Alex Jones show.

"The statement of how an IUD takes the life of an innocent human being (scientifically) is a true statement ... (preventing the ... FERTILIZED ... egg from implanting into the uterine wall) ..... no blame from me to the man standing strong in his religious / scientifically correct position / conviction ....... nothing is added to the fertilized egg ... nothing but time and nourishment ..... ... medical scientific fact"

Travis Hedglin's picture
You expect me to believe that

You expect me to believe that a government too incompetent to even keep a blowjob secret can organize massive overarching conspiracies at global levels? No, and I do not wish to purchase a bridge either, even if you do happen to live under it...

Nyarlathotep's picture
His site is absolutely

His site is absolutely stuffed full of end times non-sense, anti-science crap (while strangely appealing to science), anti-catholic rhetoric, and anti-homosexual stuff; with a large side order of crazy.

Hey I got a prediction: He will post like a maniac for 5 days then bail or intentionally gets himself banned.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Robby In Christ - "...God

Robby In Christ - "...God himself for the first time experienced death..."

Well there goes omniscience out the window...
Robby In Christ - "...[God] destroyed death..."

Apparently death managed to make a recovery.
Robby In Christ - "God could wipe out the entire Universe and be totally just in doing so"

Divine Command Theory! Subjective morality at its finest!
Robby In Christ - "God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his Son if it makes you feel any better"

He didn't stop Jephthah. That old testament god sure did like those burnt flesh offerings!

Anonymous's picture
Nyalathop, Pramatic, Jeff,

Nyalathop, Pramatic, Jeff, and Travis -There you go again -"talking" to, arguing with, a moron. Don't "you" have any integrity, dignity, or self respect. Robbie in Christ is at least an idiot as Viya or llovequestions and yet you continue to "debate" the imbecile as if he has a brain. I am embarrassed for all of you for even giving any response to Robbie in Christ.. But no you continue to explain how "foolish" God and Christ is. You give the same reasons that you have given to other "theists". Don't you get tired and bored giving the same arguments to morons like Robbie in Christ. over over and over and over again. Might as well have the computer some how remember your previous "arguments" and regurgitate it over and over and over again. Don't you have any respect for yourselves. You are all "fools" and dumb asses and I am sad for all of you. Neither Viya, lloevequestions or Robbie in Christ backed away from any of their "crazy" "religious" "impossible, beliefs. Even if somehow you were able to change one of their minds about anything(which you didn't) --what is you purpose!!!. Instead you act like "fools" and embarrase yourself in trying to communicate with Robbie in Christ whose belief in God in uncompromising and ridiculous. God Bless and God help you

Anonymous's picture
Congratulions CyberLN----What

Congratulions CyberLN----What a wonderful day it is...CyberLn who usually is in a fog of incoherent bullshit finally needs praise for her enlightened response to Robbie in Christ. All the rest of you assholes continue to debate Robbie in Christ as if he had a brain(which he doesn't). Not CyberLN --CyberLN instead of meandering in intellectual bullshit answers Robbie in Christ "MY O MY. WHAT AN IMPRESSIVE PIECE OF DEBATE REBUTTAL THAT WAS,ROBBY. Is that CyberLN using sarcasm(Oh my). I know that wasn't much in humiliating Robbie in Christ. In fact not much at all. But it is a start while the rest of you continue your bullshit "debate" with an idiot. God Bless.. Oh my God did CyberLN take back her sarcasm after Robbie in Christ continued his "crazy" defense of God Almighty. I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!

LoisKobb1964's picture
[quote]...... well first of

[quote]...... well first of all .... you do understand that God himself came to Earth and walked among man ... and God himself for the first time experienced death and destroyed death by shoving it into his own heart in the body of his own Son on your behalf ... right ?[/quote]

So what? Why should we care? God is allegedly an eternal being. This means that he lived for gazillions of years in the past, came to Earth for three decades, and now can go on living for gazillions more years in whatever realm the gods live. So basically, living and dying as a human was of no more consequence to Yahweh than you removing an old coat. Jesus wasn't sacrificed for your sins, he was only mildly inconvenienced.

Gods impregnating mortal women, who then give birth to superhuman man-god babies, are a dime a dozen in myths all over the world. If your version is true, then so are theirs, and that means the universe is lousy with dead immortal saviors. You shouldn't be able to throw a dead bishop without hitting at least one of the little buggers.

Oh, and the whole God impregnating a young girl with his own sperm so that his mother was also his wife, and he consequently became the father of himself, and then had to sacrifice himself to himself as a propitiation for the sins that he, himself, brought into the world through a magic talking snake that he placed in an enchanted garden...well, I'm sure you can understand why that makes no sense to me.

Anonymous's picture
I can't take it anymore

I can't take it anymore Pragmatic continues to "debate " with Robbie in Christ as if he had a brain. Many of the rest of you are guilty of embarrassing yourselves and compromising any dignity you may have by also carrying on a foolish conversation with an idiot. What does that make you. I have had it. I can't take it anymore. Viya,llovequestions and now Robbie in Christ infect the forum with incredible bullshit and you all participate in the dialogue as if Robbie in Christ had a brain. God Bless

CyberLN's picture
Robby in christ, aka

Robby in christ, aka dadmansabode, stepped over the line this morning. He has been banned and his conversations deleted.

Anonymous's picture
CyberLN--Is that you...come

CyberLN--Is that you...come on it can't be you no way. its you!!! CyberLN who continually embarrassed herself with bullshit dialogue with Viya,llovequestion, and Robby in Christ. CyberLN who argued Adam and Eve or Noahs Arc with moron, imbeciles and dopes and idiots who believe the earth is 10,000 years old. CyberLn who debated with retards about Jesus born by a virgin or resurrected from the dead. CyberLN who post after post page after page, sentence after sentence who lost all her dignity by having conversations with theists with no brains. Now FINALLY CyberLN "has banned Robbie in Christ and his conversations deleted". I am glad CyberLN has had enough of the tons or elephant shit and bullshit vomited up by Robbie in Christ. While finally CyberLN realized "talking" with imbeciles like Robby in Christ is not only a fucking waste of time it also diminishes anyone even participating in the "dialogue." I am not optimistic that CyberLN will continue her enlightenment as its hard for a zebra to change her stripes and CyberLN is mired in her fog of lost brain matter. I hope I am wrong about CyberLN and she can continue to see the light. God Bless

ThePragmatic's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
CyberLN - "Robby in christ,

CyberLN - "Robby in christ, aka dadmansabode, stepped over the line this morning. He has been banned and his conversations deleted."

Nyarlathotep - "Hey I got a prediction: He will post like a maniac for 5 days then bail or intentionally gets himself banned."

I guess I was off by a few days!

CyberLN's picture
Ah, but what's a day or two

Ah, but what's a day or two in the grand scheme of things? ;-)

JAlexG's picture
I have a question if I may

I have a question if I may ask, where is he as we speak? I've never seen him, I've never heard him, I've never seen (real) photo or video, etc?

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