"Just be respectful to all users." - Yeah, right

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ImFree's picture
GeniusIsDisruptive : “ImFree,
Pitar's picture
@ GeniusIsDisruptive -
mykcob4's picture
First of all, your very first
algebe's picture
mykcob4: "You haven't shown
Hovitose's picture
I cannot think of a bigger
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Sounds like someone is
nightfly's picture
"claim that 100,000,000
ImFree's picture
She is an atheist if she does
UnKnown's picture
Does this help you?


Attach Image/Video?: 

Alan Travis's picture
GeniusIsDisruptive: "MCD,
dresmith's picture
As soon as someone starts the
Alan Travis's picture
However your false
Hovitose's picture
Seriously, you are what's
David_Holloway's picture
"Why do 70% of children
dresmith's picture
Well firstly there is no
Randomhero1982's picture
"However your false
LogicFTW's picture
The math alone makes the 70%


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