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Ellie Harris's picture
Just informing members.

If you, all of you atheist, deist, theist, pantheist, etc, say homophobic things in any of these forums I will remove you. BeliveinOnegod has been removed for homophobic statements such as "They to be treated equal when it comes to basic human rights ,like you dont oppress them or you dont cheat or still from them i am not saying that , but they not victims of their orientation they are sinner they are transgressors i dont feel any sympathy for them and will never accept them as NORMAL as they want to establish themselves in society." Also for da'wah (preaching) instead of debate. Preaching without really responding to debatable points can, depending on the situation, fall in the catagory of trolling. This was such a situation.

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
Thank you Ellie.
CyberLN's picture
I second that...thanks.
Lmale's picture
Well done!
Steve's picture
Good job.
Lmale's picture
AndreBoarskij's picture
Wie oft haben Sie sich bei
Abramovich's picture

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