Kent Hovind Actually Sent It! Wow!

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arakish's picture
Kent Hovind Actually Sent It! Wow!

Another quicky I had alredy put to gether. Good night y'all.

Does anyone not know who Kent Hovind is? I did not hear about him until about five years ago when I started watching videos of Aron Ra and Kent Hovind butting heads. Boy, did those two butt heads. But Kent Hovind always proved to be the butt-head.

I am shocked. With all the hoopla about his degrees. He actually did it. Sort of. Kent Hovind actually sent me a copy of his dissertation (only took him about 25 weeks), as he says, "This is the current draft of my soon to be finalized doctoral dissertation. May you find it enlightening for your beliefs."

I never told him I was an atheist. I just said I was field technician working at Yellowstone National Park.

It is quite different than this one I found at WikiLeaks —

The OCR conversion of the WikiLeaks PDF is also viewable on this web page.

Any comments?


P.S. — Here is information I got from the Great Wiki about the "university" he got his doctorate from.

Patriot Bible University (PBU), formerly known as Patriot University, is an unaccredited Independent Baptist correspondence school located in Del Norte, Colorado which issues religious degrees only. According to the State of Colorado, Patriot's "degrees or diplomas have no state recognition". PBU is not accredited by any agency recognized by the Department of Education. It has been called a diploma mill, lacking sufficient academic standards to award degrees.


In Name It and Frame It? New Opportunities in Adult Education and How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by Christian Degree Mills, Steve Levicoff explained that while a non-accredited school is not necessarily a degree mill, Patriot Bible University is a degree mill. The college has varied its policies over the years, but it has been criticized for awarding students degrees based on questionable standards such as "life experience" or "ministry evaluation" that lack academic rigour and merit.

The university is not accredited by any recognized accreditation associations of higher learning. As of 2007, it was recognized by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions (AAATI), which itself has no recognition from the United States Department of Education or any other government educational organization. The AAATI is itself considered an accreditation mill, and provides approval to schools for a $100 charge. In October 2008, it was accredited by Accrediting Commission International. The ACI is again not recognized by the US Department of Education. The St. Petersburg Times (Florida) reported, "Alan Contreras, who heads Oregon's Office of Degree Authorization, which closely tracks schools with questionable accreditation. "Anything accredited by ACI in Beebe, Ark., is either fake or substandard, as far as I know." "

Of course that last part makes me wonder why a newspaper in Florida would go all the way to Oregon? Does not Florida have an Office of Degree Authorization? Just looked it up. Duh! That office is based in Oregon for literally the whole of the U S of A. **facepalm**

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