Life in a Vauum

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mykcob4's picture
Life in a Vauum

Granted I have age,....I'm 58yo. However, I increasingly find myself not only relaying history and facts to many people but actually teaching it. I relate my own life experiences, facts that should by widely known(common knowledge), and data that any university educated person should be familiar.
More and more I find that the basic population hasn't the faintest idea about... er... well... ANYTHING...especially history....even recent history! Most people are involved within their own little world that consist of eking out a living, the latest reality show, and FREAKING VIDEO GAMES! Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Selfies, Youtubes, are also the extent of their knowledge. The bible thumpers are the worst offenders. They profess a great deal of knowledge but in fact if they have any idea 'bout science or history, it is limited to pseudo-science, and revisionist history! They don't even know their own bible very well. I doubt that many of them have actually read it. They go to church everyday in some manner or form and someone there tells them what the bible means (always wrong), what to think, and what to say.
I like to read. My repertoire includes many genre and disciplines. I have not found one bible thumper that is well read at all. Whenever I have a casual conversation with one and the subject turns to books they have read, I invariably get the same answer...."Anna Karenina", "Narnia"...Oh and of course "the bible." No wonder there is no talking to them. They have no basic knowledge on which to rely upon to discuss ANYTHING.
To save this from being just an old man's rant, I beg this question:
Is there anyone out there that knows anything (meaning common people). Members please don't count yourselves as the are all very much the exception.

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Sir Random's picture
As I am only 16 I feel I don

As I am only 16 I feel I don't really have the right to but I would like to ask that very same question. I've noticed my peers have almost no information on current goings-on, and it seems that any time something bad happens everyone attributes it to "God's will" without even trying to actually explane it or find the cause.

mykcob4's picture
That is very true. On the

That is very true. On the news if a hurricane hits, reporters always interview a survivor that states that "god" spared them. It defies logic. If a god spared them then that same god destroyed everything else. I was in a conversation with a evangelical neighbor and she insisted that Jesus arose from the dead and that there where no less than 500 witnesses that saw him after he was dead.
1) 500 is suspicious because it is odd that the number should be so exact. How about 479 or a more realistic number?
2) Eye witness accounts are extremely unreliable. Plus the fact that none of those accounts are corroborated, no two should be exactly the same. Yet they are exactly the same as if they were rehearsed.
3) Facts in a court of law require several things that ALL attributions to a god do not meet.
A) Means,Motive, and Opportunity.
B) Cause and Effect with a direct connection.
C) Independent first hand account that are verified and corroborated.
Stories about a god (any god), Jesus never pass muster or scrutiny.
For the believers this is frustrating, but instead of applying the burden of proof on such stories, they apply the requirement of proof on anyone or anything that questions they story. That is completely backward, wrong, and illogical.

Sir Random's picture
My favorite is the "since my

My favorite is the "since my god is all powerful, logic, reason, and science do not apply to him" My response is " well if something doesn't exist of course logic, reason, and science wouldn't apply." At this, they tend to start getting mad and walk off.

mykcob4's picture
Yes that is the usual

Yes that is the usual response. As believers get older though, they use that excuse as a last resort. They tend to use pseudo-science or some other illogical tactic to justify their position. inevitably they end up with as you pointed out, that their god is beyond understanding.
BTW "faith" is just an excuse for having NO proof, and that's all it is!

Sir Random's picture
I disagree. A person who has

I disagree. A person who has "faith" excepts the fact that they have no proof. A person with "blind faith " (see : ignorance) believes that their faith is proof. Most fall under the latter.

Sir Random's picture
My favorite is the "since my

My favorite is the "since my god is all powerful, logic, reason, and science do not apply to him" My response is " well if something doesn't exist of course logic, reason, and science wouldn't apply." At this, they tend to start getting mad and walk off.

Sir Random's picture
As I am only 16 I feel I don

As I am only 16 I feel I don't really have the right to but I would like to ask that very same question. I've noticed my peers have almost no information on current goings-on, and it seems that any time something bad happens everyone attributes it to "God's will" without even trying to actually explane it or find the cause.

BarrettJoyce's picture
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Calista's picture
You mentioned about Video

You mentioned about Video Game. So, I would like to recommend smash karts to you. You can become the best player if you reach the finish line first. You must avoid many obstacles on the track.

Donnovan's picture
It is very bad thing when you

It is very bad thing when you live in vacuum really

Nammarok's picture
I also think this way, we

I also think this way, we need to develop ourselves in order to survive and grow. I don't like an idea of living in a vacuum and this is why i do everything in order to become more succesful, it is when i started my own business and tried to do everything in order to make it more succesful, by the way i ordered some positive reviews and it helped me a lot and now i think that i have everything in order to not to live in a vacuum

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