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science's picture

Just throwing it out there. I've always thought that marriage is another mess who's basis was religion. The "vows" that a couple takes in front of "God," are not only unrealistic, but statistics overwhelmingly prove that marriage dosen't work...and the sacred "vows" are thrown out the window. Too many of the "believers" that go to church every Sunday and make the sign of the cross are hyppocrites, and are cheating on their spouses. Lets face it, being with someone for the rest of your life might sound like a good idea at the time, but it is an unrealistic expectation of human behavior. Any other subject in this world, you are told to change it up, don't do the same thing everyday, broaden your horizons, don't be with the same people all the time, meet new and different people...EXCEPT marriage. Marriage CAN work for some, but it is very, very rare if the couple is TRULY happy. It simply isn't realistic, just like everything else that religion preaches. There are just too many "intangables" for it to work the majority of the time. We are human beings, NOT robots. I honestly don't know what a logical alternative would be to 2 people who feel AT THE TIME that they want to stay together. Maybe someone out there could suggest somethging that would make sense...but as far as I am concerned, the mess of marriage comes from a religious base. Any other thoughts out there?

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Travis Hedglin's picture
The concept of two people
science's picture
The overwhelming majority of
Travis Hedglin's picture
"The overwhelming majority of
Alan D. Griffin's picture
Marriage was for the
Pitar's picture
The rites, ceremony,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
science's picture
Fantastic Jeff!! I laughed my
RobertJ's picture
Marriage serves an
RobertJ's picture
Again on the notion that

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