MC Yo Wassup VS Atheism

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mcyowassup's picture
MC Yo Wassup VS Atheism

I am MC Yo Wassup. I am a 54 y/o rapper from Tucson Arizona. I have been on youtube for three years now and have mostly stayed in the hip hop community. However recently I made my first video concerning the debate that the atheists waste peoples time with. I don't claim to know anything but neither should you claim you know.

I would like to see what the Atheist community here has to say now that I presented this argument to you all. Does this change anyone's mind?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh yeah, totally...
mcyowassup's picture
I sense sarcasm
Travis Hedglin's picture
So you CHOOSE to believe,
mcyowassup's picture
Your comment was a bit mean
Travis Hedglin's picture
Somethings can be known, like
Spewer's picture
Yo Depends fo the shizzle
mcyowassup's picture
Can't take you seriously
CyberLN's picture
no, it did not change my mind
mcyowassup's picture
Why not. Why can't you humbly
CyberLN's picture
Why not? Because there was
ThePragmatic's picture
You seem to misunderstand
ThePragmatic's picture
Oops, I did it again: t̶h̶e̶
ImFree's picture
That video is worse than the
mysticrose's picture
People has right to waste

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