My Father Is Real

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KevinG777's picture
They ARE theories, they have
mykcob4's picture
Ah, another child that thinks
chimp3's picture
Childof Christ: Dogs are
algebe's picture
Child of Christ: " NO, my dog
LogicFTW's picture
I actually feel a little bad
algebe's picture
@Logicfor TW: "I actually
SBMontero's picture
@Child Of Christ: This photo


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Nyarlathotep's picture
I said that dogs have
watchman's picture
COC ......
CyberLN's picture
I did not get wisdom teeth.
chimp3's picture
I also did not get wisdom
CyberLN's picture
We are evolved, Chimp!
Jared Alesi's picture
The ring finger is also a
Stu. K.'s picture
First off, let's
SBMontero's picture
@Stu. K.: You don't need to
BAACKJD's picture
I hate to sound like a dick,
Jared Alesi's picture
As if age really matters at
BAACKJD's picture
This idiot would say the same
watchman's picture
@JB ....
BAACKJD's picture
@watchman Point taken.
decoy's picture
I hate how religious people
FreeUrmind's picture
Hi all. Just joined up. A non
FreeUrmind's picture
I'll add look the progress of
FreeUrmind's picture
To say to an atheist why do
LogicFTW's picture
Welcome to the boards
jamiebgood1's picture
damn, You remind me of how I
FreeUrmind's picture
When you say evidence points
GarfeildRepublican's picture
mykcob4's picture
You're fucking back and up to
GarfeildRepublican's picture
What tricks? I saw his post


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