My Old Beliefs And Trying To Strengthen My Faith

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FievelJ's picture
My Old Beliefs And Trying To Strengthen My Faith

Months ago I was trying to strengthen my faith, as I began to do more research on the matter. After research I found there's little to no chance that a god actually exists. I learned how the universe was born, and that a god was probably unnecessary for its creation.
I have had people try to push Islam on me, and turned them away as I am an atheist. I also wont believe in anything which promotes hate toward Christians. Not that I am a Christian anymore, but I do not support religious beliefs which teaches hate for anyone. People need to get along not because some mythical god told them to, but because we are all human.

Wikipedia does not place God as necessarily meaning the Christian God. I learned that just by looking it up and reading some that God is believed in many different ways. Many different religions believe in their version of god.

Listed on the side.

(Representation (for art or for worship) of God in Christianity, Balinese Hinduism, Atenism, and Zoroastrianism)

If Wikipedia pointed to just the Christian god as fact, I might believe in it, but Wikipedia doesn't even state that any god is real. Yeah Wikipedia isn't always the best source, but it is better then going to any Christian website, as they will always claim on the Christian god.

As for most of us, we believe in science, and no god. There's just not any sufficient evidence that any god or deity exists anywhere. Now if one were to exist, I doubt anyone is going to hell for just not believing in a god which there's no proof of.

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dogalmighty's picture god
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It's perfectly okay to
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If their freedom is your
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@ Lion
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@Lion IRC
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@Lie on: WTF did you not
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You're asking me what I didn
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Great. You know the link and
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Whitefire13's picture
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@ Lion
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@ Fievel Mousekewitz
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David Killens's picture
@ cranky47
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@David Killens

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