Need help on a school pledge problem.

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Johnathan Graham's picture
Need help on a school pledge problem.

So, today in class, our class stood for the pledge. I, as usual, declined to stand for the pledge and my teacher tried pushing me to do so. Using statements like "Stand for the pledge, I'm asking you to stand for the pledge" Etc. After the pledge she then, in front of the class asked me to defend my point, which I shouldn't have to but I did anyway out of pure boredom and curiosity on her thinking. I state d my points that a "pledge" is outdated and extreme. If a country that were to have different ideals, such as Pakistan. Woke up every morning and said an allegiance to their state, we would view it as extreme. She began to rebuttal this by saying "You can't make that comparison pledge = pakistan". Which absolutely makes no sense because nothing causes that comparison to become irrelevant to Pakistan, and is perfectly acceptable to make an example of another country using something we do to show its extremism.

My next point was it is brainwashing teaching young children to pledge their allegiance to a country without having knowledge about the country and its ideals and culture. That it was damaging to enforce blind allegiance to a country. She just shook her head at this point and agreed.

Next point was the "In god" stature. Us, as Atheist all know this argument, lack of inclusiveness for all etc.

Last point, was "...Liberty and justice for all" doesn't even apply to our country when you can see gender discrimination, racism, and unacceptance of the LGBT community. Which can be seen all over whether from demonstrative legislation or common social agreement on some of these topics.

She then ended her peace with a "Appeal to Emotion" tactic and tried rallying us all up under this pledge bla bla. It was alot of just appeal to emotion and it was prevalent. She also asked me "What law allows you to not stand for the pledge?" She asked this as a world history teacher(Teaches U.S History as well). Not sure if she didn't know herself, but I know I couldn't remember the exact case but I remembered and its Virginia v Barnette.

So, TL;DR I had a debate in class about myself not standing for the pledge infront of all students. I'm afraid next time she will ask me to leave the class because of it(Which is completely illegal) and I'm not sure what to do after that and what legal process I should go through.

Any help would be appreciated, thankyou.

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CyberLN's picture
The ACLU would be one place
cmallen's picture
I feel your frustration. In
ThePragmatic's picture
There has been several
Johnathan Graham's picture
Thank you for the kind words
Kataclismic's picture
The Jehovah's Witnesses
Pitar's picture
I wouldn't get all bothered

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