A new tactic

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Pitar's picture
@ keith Raye.
AJ777's picture
Isn’t it a bit self defeating
Keith Raye's picture
Keith Raye's picture
Michael Gill's picture
Pitar, I enjoyed your post
Michael Gill's picture
(... and don't come back and
AJ777's picture
Keith I think you should use
Keith Raye's picture
mykcob4's picture
@AJ777 What the FUCK do you
AJ777's picture
Are you now claiming you don
mykcob4's picture
Yes you ARE confused AJ777.
AJ777's picture
Enlighten me!
algebe's picture
@AJ777: "I think you should
AJ777's picture
Ok, good talk Keith.
Flamenca's picture
It takes all sorts of people,
Flamenca's picture
And thanks for the video link
CyberLN's picture
Y V W, Angie
Keith Raye's picture
William00's picture
The Winegard Platinum Series


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