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doniston's picture

By dictionary, I am defined as an atheist. I guess I am a semi-atheist, as I happen to be a strong believer in an afterlife, and nature. I just don't believe there is a grey-bearded man looking down at me from above, and i happen to believe "ON" CHRIST, but not "IN" CHRIST. (There is a difference)

My spritial beliefs can mostly be summed up with OBI-WAN KANOBI'S words, "LET THE FORCE BE WITH YOU." 

I am a Naturalist, and an Evolutionist. 

I believe in aliens (space aliens) and that they are now around, and likely have been around since long before modern humans evolved.

I would very much enjoy discussing, or debating the issue with anyone interested.

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Ellie Harris's picture
1) What is spirituality?
doniston's picture
Spititual-- of or pertaining
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"ON" CHRIST, but not "IN"
doniston's picture
Now, We seem to be on the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I don't know if you actually
doniston's picture
- I understood, but i don't
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You don't need to be there,
doniston's picture
`Who the devil dom you think
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Well you are in a forum to
doniston's picture
Speak for yourself instead of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Ellie Harris's picture
So what is this thing called
Ellie Harris's picture
Do you believe aliens have
doniston's picture
In anwer to both of your
Ellie Harris's picture
1) You believe the soul "is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"I would very much enjoy
doniston's picture
Don't tell me about someone
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"yu are very wrong when you
doniston's picture
THAT's ALL, *****************
CyberLN's picture
Jeff: "Everybody believes
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You are not here for
doniston's picture
Out of curiosity, is there
maryam's picture
doniston's picture
I happen to believe hat when
Nyarlathotep's picture
I was contacted by an three
doniston's picture
It was a secret. they were

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