An objection to Christianity

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Tin-Man's picture


You reminded me of a couple of similar "critiques" I did with a couple of chapters a few months ago. A little rushed for time at the moment, but when I get settled in later I'll try to find them and re-post here. Good a place as any, I suppose. lol

arakish's picture
Terraphon: "Ignorance is

Terraphon: "Ignorance is bliss."

No it is not. Knowledge empowers, ignorance and ignorance creates delusion.


terraphon's picture
Oh, believe me, I agree with

Oh, believe me, I agree with you.

Only the ignorant find it blissful.

arakish's picture
@ Terraphon

@ Terraphon

Damn. I forgot to include the pronunciations...

No it is not. Knowledge empowers, ignorance (ig•nur•uns) and ignorance (ig•nor•uns) creates delusion.

That is what I meant to put. Guess I was so tired after flying back home I was delirious and thought it did.


terraphon's picture
@Tin Man

@Tin Man

Yeah, I would definitely like to read those. As we know, good scientific method involves taking a thing and analyzing all of its parts, leaving no stone unturned, and either finding good justification for the thing or not finding it.

The bible has more holes than a screen-door factory and the more we can put a spotlight on, the better off the world will be.

Tin-Man's picture


Ah-ha... Found it. This is a little piece I wrote back in November on behalf of a wonderful young lady who once graced us with her presence fairly regularly. Speaking of which.... Miss AUS, if you still happen to be lurking about these parts, please drop us a line to let us know how things are going for you. Hope all is well.

Anyway, Terra, Miss AUS was asking us about inconsistencies based on the story in Genesis 37-50. Enjoy... *grin*...

(AR post made on 11/12/18):
Hey there, Little Lady. My apologies for taking so long to get back with you. Got a little busier than expected around here, and I only had a bit of time to read a few of those passages over the weekend. Okay, well, to be honest, I probably could have read a bit more, but I got to the part about Judah and Tamar and just threw my hands up. Couldn't stomach much more after that. *chuckle* But since you have mentioned them just now, allow me to hit a couple of highlights that stood out to me...

For starters, yeah, that story just "pops up" right in the middle of the Joseph story like a bad annoying commercial or something. lol Anyway, let me lay a little ground work first.

Judah has three sons by Shuah. (Can't really call her his wife for certain, because it was not made clear if they were married. It just says, "He took her and went in unto her." Seems a bit rude, but whatever.)
The sons: Er (the oldest) Onan (middle) Shelah (youngest) Okay, that should be enough...

So, Judah (the father) hooks up Er (the oldest son) with a girl named Tamar. Simple enough so far. Unfortunately, however, Er was a "wicked" young boy, so (The) God (father) had Er fed to the fishes. Now, we have no idea what the hell Er did to piss off (The) God (father), but it must have been some really bad shit, because God didn't even send one of his henchmen to take out Er. God took care of that business HIMSELF. Wow....(Which begs the question, by the way. Did God whack Er before or after the honeymoon? And, if Er was such a horribly wicked dude, why did God allow him to get married in the first place? Why not kill him BEFORE he got married and save the bride a bunch of grief?.... Grrr.... Now you are starting to see why I got tired of reading that crap...)

Anyway, so Judah is like, "Well, damn. Guess Er was a dumb-ass. Oh, well. Plan B. Hey, Onan! Get your ass in here!" And Judah tells Onan, "Okay, Champ, you're up! Go bang your sister-in-law for your wicked dead brother. I need some grandchildren, dammit!" But somewhere in Onan's brain he was thinking, "Something just isn't right about this." Or maybe he was thinking, "What the...? Hey, maybe I don't want kids." Because he obviously had no problems screwing Tamar, but at the last second he pulled out and splooged all over the floor. Now, for whatever reason, (The) God (father) got PISSED about that. (Not sure why. Maybe he was the one who had to clean the floor? I dunno... *shrugging shoulders*...) Regardless, (The) God (father) also whacked Onan who was soon wearing concrete boots at the bottom of the sea feeding the fishes with Er.

At this point, Judah was like, "Awww, c'mon! What the hell's it gonna take for me to get this chick pregnant???" Well, since little Shelah was apparently still young enough to be picking his nose and eating the boogers, Judah sent Tamar back home to her daddy (supposedly to keep her out of trouble) until Shelah was old enough to take his chances with the cursed vagina of Tamar. And from there, it just gets even MORE ridiculous, if you can believe THAT!.... *rubbing eyes with heels of hands*.... *grooooan*.... I think I need an aspirin... Uh, so, yeah... Anyway... That's about as much as I could stand of all of that. Sorry I could not give you any insight into the rest of it, but my bs tolerance levels are not quite as high as they once were. *chuckle* You keep searching and learning, though, Miss AUS. I have to admit, your stomach is a whole lot stronger than mine if you can get through all of that crud. *grin*

Sky Pilot's picture


"Sorry I could not give you any insight into the rest of it, but my bs tolerance levels are not quite as high as they once were."

The Judah/Tamar story is similar to the Lot and his skanky daughters' story, the Isaac/Rebekah story, and Jacob and all of his wives' stories as well as several other marriage stories. They are all basically First Commandment stories based upon Genesis 34:15-16 which forbade intermarriage with strangers. You had to keep it in the family (tribe) at all costs.

The Bible says that God only hated one person. That person was Esau because he married strangers and not his family members. Moses and Solomon had wives outside of the clan but they get a pass for violating the prohibition.

All biblical stories are based on Exodus 34:10-28 ~~ the Ten Commandments are Exodus 34:11-28. So if the story isn't about a miracle it illustrates one or more of the Ten Commandments in action. That's why the stories don't have to make logical sense. The stories are designed to teach complete obedience and total loyalty to the Boss.


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