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Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture

This may seem like a cheap shot but I think the question deserves an answer, preferably by a theist. The concept of God which is accepted by theologians and philosophers alike, possesses the quality of omnipotence, or unlimited power. To first express my worry in layman's terms:

Can God create a stone which he himself cannot lift? (paradox of the stone)Now obviously no matter how you answer this question it contradicts the virtue of omnipotence.

This contradictory idea can be observed in multiple concepts which are rather important. The problem of existential suffering and free will for example. Many theists like to argue that evil and suffering exists because God gave us free will. But by the definition of omnipotence, shouldn't God be able to give us free will and get rid of evil as well? Maybe by formulating a grand, abstract and incomprehensible loophole to do so?

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ThePragmatic's picture
The concept of omnipotence is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
This topic has been discussed
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
I apologize for the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"It's a bit presumptuous to
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
I didn't assume everyone
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I'm sorry but I do not
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
I can't explain to you an
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Lol me "religious and self
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
I am not asking the question
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"I didn't call you religious
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
You're committing the same
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Your insistence no not
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
I'm not failing to support my
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
masked man fallacy???
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
You keep calling it a claim.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
which type of omnipotence are
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
These difference in
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Those "act and result
D_Trimijopulos's picture
@Aditya Kiran Bu...
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
@ Dimitrios
CyberLN's picture
"But by the definition of
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
What I mean here is that, a
CyberLN's picture
Then I do think that if that
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
Yes I think we agree. The
CyberLN's picture
We do indeed agree.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mintaka - "Einstein's famous
Austin Hodge's picture
There are many questions
science's picture
There are profesors who study
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mintaka "it appears highly
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mintaka - "then energy


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