The problem with the supposed new Afghan strategy.

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mykcob4's picture
The problem with the supposed new Afghan strategy.

Trump eluded to having both India and Pakistan take a greater role in fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. Those nations are mortal enemies. They have been continuously at war since 1949. Both are nuclear powers. Both are relatively unstable governments. Trump also stated that China and Russia could have a bigger role. Well, recently it has come out that Russia has been arming the Taliban.

Trump's trust and love for everything Russian puts American soldiers at risk.

I get that we can't win in Afghanistan. Only Alexander the Great was successful there. I get that Pakistan has become a safe haven for every terrorist group that claims Islamic affiliation. But to ask two enemies that have no interest in peace or even stabilizing Afghanistan to not only cooperate but to defeat the Taliban is just nuts!
Also, Russia and China won't actually help. They have their own agenda which doesn't mesh with U.S. interest.
Trump is not only a domestic embarrassment but also an international one. He is reckless and dangerous and isn't fit for the job.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Shouldn't have turned away

Shouldn't have turned away Iran's help after September 11th, 2001. But I guess that is crying over spilled milk now.

MCDennis's picture
100% agree

100% agree. President pussygrabber is the worst president ever

LogicFTW's picture
At this point, tRump picking

At this point, tRump picking the worse possible option is the accepted norm from me.
It almost feels like:

"Hmm what can I say/do that is the most awful/stupid/ignorant option? Oh I know, lets continue a war we are losing, and try to get two mortal enemy's to suddenly abandon there hate for each other and fight "the war against terrorism" for us!

Russian-Tank's picture
That's Trump for you. He and

That's Trump for you. He and Putin are the two worst leaders at the moment in my humble opinion.

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