Proof of God's non-existance

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Jordan's picture
This is always my Solution to
Alan D. Griffin's picture
Before the Big Bang there
Travis Hedglin's picture
Actually we only know that
Mike De Fleuriot's picture
Rather Time was not
dpasek's picture
"Time was not progressing as
D_Trimijopulos's picture
"However whenever I try to
Mike De Fleuriot's picture
Is it not amazing, that no
Rodrigo Pimentel's picture
The whole cause-and-effect
Bonnie Kay's picture
If a god did exist, we would
Kevin Rohm's picture
Remember, without "time"
gcibulka's picture
The existence of a god isn't
Ric Yancey's picture
Obviously you can't prove a
Sky Pilot's picture
The problem is that when
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work!
Converse02's picture
"What or who caused the Big
RedleT's picture
"If an omnipotent, omniscient
Steven Cook's picture
Read this yesterday... I
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work!
RogueChimp's picture
So because you think you
MCDennis's picture
What caused the big bang? I
cvt3393's picture
I am writing from the
mykcob4's picture
@ Faith seeking truth
cvt3393's picture
I appreciate your comments.
mykcob4's picture
@faith seeking truth
AJ777's picture
Mycob4, maybe you don’t
mykcob4's picture
@AJ777 "Faith is trust based
AJ777's picture
So are you then admitting
mykcob4's picture
dpasek's picture
AJ777, No, you are mistaken.


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