Proof of Noah’s Flood?

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David Killens's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tzephan Yahu I guess I was
arakish's picture
TzephanYahu: "Wow. I guess I
Kataclismic's picture
I was perfectly reasonable.
Tin-Man's picture
@Tzep Re: "Wow. I guess I
Sheldon's picture
"Wow. I guess I was wrong
msezell's picture
So I guess that the truth is
Cognostic's picture
No problem. I'm writing a
arakish's picture
Sorry guys. I ain't gonna do
chimp3's picture
When they find the hull of a
msezell's picture
Have you been to Williamstown
Tin-Man's picture
@Mike Re: "Have you been to
msezell's picture
Have not been. Too many of my
arakish's picture
I ain't been and I ain't
chimp3's picture
Mike: No,. I live in KY but
Cognostic's picture
If they ever find the boat it
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: WHAT IN THE HELL
Cognostic's picture
FFS - Why in the hell didn't


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