Is proof possible?

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dtommy79's picture
Is proof possible?

Do you think it is possible that we'll ever have a definitive proof to God existence or non-existence?

Do you think that the atheist-non-atheist debate will ever have a winner?

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Mirta's picture
No. I think not. To believe
Trevor's picture
The debate will never end
dtommy79's picture
You're saying "There is no
damanar's picture
He did not say "there is no
Rob's picture
I would love some proof. It
reyvelasyo's picture
Belief in a god will die down
Rob's picture
I completely agree. In a few
gladoscc's picture
I don't think it is
paw42uk's picture
I think that the burden of
dtommy79's picture
Well said. Totally agree on
Zarathustra's picture
I'm sorry, and I don't mean
Zarathustra's picture
I think the problem with this
samking009's picture
Beliving the Existence of God
Tman127182's picture
Not really, because keeping
rider's picture
Who knows? Nothing is
SammyShazaam's picture
I'd say no.
BustinJustin's picture
I think it's good that we don
SammyShazaam's picture
It is interesting that the
Shock of God's picture
God is what is known as an
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm interested to know
Chey97.'s picture
I think that even if someone
Pathway Machine's picture
According to the Bible
SammyShazaam's picture
Given human nature... even if
mattyn's picture
I don't think there will ever
ginamoon's picture
I do not think that there
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed, but I don't think

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