Question after quite a bit of hard thinking and some research

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Sapporo's picture
Considering that most people
Sheldon's picture
" if I had an answer to this
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
The brain is a wonderful and
algebe's picture
One of the traditional images
Russian-Tank's picture
chimp3's picture
RT: Do they all describe the
Sheldon's picture
Of course mun, long hair,
Sheldon's picture
"I am wondering how they
David Killens's picture
Russian-Tank, I had an NDE. I
SUPERNOVA's picture
Logically speaking. there's
mickron88's picture
NDE means you're not dead..
mickron88's picture
back at it again with his NDE
Sheldon's picture
At point in your "research"
Cognostic's picture
The fact that Jesus shows up
chimp3's picture
I have told this story before
LogicFTW's picture
Closely related to NDE is out
SUPERNOVA's picture
Stopping heart beat for a few
Grinseed's picture
David Killens said:
fishy1's picture
I sure hope I don't have any
SUPERNOVA's picture
Sounds more like asteroid to


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